Thu, 6 February 2025
Creating Scarcity in Your Fundraise Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In structuring your fundraise it’s important to design scarcity into it for the investors. If you have one raise at a relatively high valuation then there’s no incentive for investors to come in sooner. Most will wait to come in later after they see how the business performs. Here are the key steps to put scarcity in your fundraising: Take your overall raise amount and break it into smaller tranches. Price the first round with a fairly low valuation or valuation cap if you are using a convertible or SAFE note. For each subsequent tranche, raise the valuation by 50%. Check to see how much revenue you must have to justify that valuation on each round. Adjust to make each of these tranches reasonable revenue targets for your business. In proposing your fundraise to investors make clear the overall amount you are raising and announce the first tranche with its investor-friendly valuation. Make clear that when that funding is done, you are moving to the next tranche at a higher valuation. This creates scarcity in the fundraising as it limits the amount of investor-friendly priced shares. Show prospective investors the level of interest you are seeing for the first tranche. This incentivizes investors to come in early rather than late.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: 04.creating_scarcity_in_your_fundraise.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Wed, 5 February 2025
How To Handle Toxic Customers Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Toxic customers can ruin employee morale and distract them from their work. Here are some steps to handle a toxic customer: Remind the customer of the company’s policies and what the engagement entails. It’s sometimes the case that the customer thinks the company is supposed to do more than what was agreed. Set the rules of working together so the boundaries are clear. It’s often the case that the customer gets caught up in the excitement of the project moving forward that they start to add more features than originally agreed. Say ‘No’ to project creep and ways of working that are outside the scope of the company. Some customers work twenty-four hours a day and expect others to do the same. Remind them of your working hours and ask to keep the meetings within those bounds. Some customers miss deadlines and expect the company to make up for it with uncompensated additional work. Remind the customer of the schedule and indicate they must pay an expedited fee or accept a later schedule. Some clients act in a passive-aggressive manner. Keep good records of what was promised and delivered so there’s no guilting your employees into doing work uncompensated. Some clients can become abusive. In those situations, it’s important to protect your employees in which case you may have to fire the client.
Consider these steps in dealing with toxic customers.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 4 February 2025
Signs of a Toxic Customer Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Just as founders, employees, and board members can be toxic, so can your startup’s customers. Here are some signs that one of your customers is toxic. They take advantage of your generosity. Toxic customers push you to the limit and beyond. They can’t make up their mind. Toxic customers put your team in a continual holding pattern while they make a decision. They continually revise their requirements, putting additional work on your team. They become a squeaky wheel taking more than their fair share of time and attention. They come up with impossible requests that the team cannot meet. Watch out for these signs of a toxic customer. If the problem becomes too much then the CEO should have a discussion with the customer about the boundaries of the service offered. Another approach is to charge additional fees to those who want service above and beyond the standard offering.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 3 February 2025
Signs of a Toxic Board Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Just as employees can be toxic to the company, so can the board. Here’s a list of signs that your board may be toxic: The board breaks their non-disclosure agreements and discusses confidential information with outsiders. The board members put their own agenda above that of the company. The board meets and performs chaotically without clear order. The board disrespects the CEO or other board members. This often occurs when new members join the board. The board is contentious and each meeting is a heated exchange. Board members have clandestine meetings with one another to discuss the issues. The board loses trust with the CEO and other executives of the company. The board is dominated by one or two personalities who influence the board for their own agenda. The board is apathetic and rubbers stamp whatever proposal is on the table. Look for these signs your board is toxic and take steps to rectify the situation. Make sure the board is aligned with the company’s mission and vision.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 31 January 2025
Toxic Board Members Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startups form boards to guide and direct the company. Some board members can be problematic. Here are the signs a board member is toxic: Their ego outweighs their fiduciary duty to look out for the best interests of the company. They bully others to get their own way. They act in their own self-interest without regard to the interests of the business. They are a distraction taking attention away from the company. If the board member is too disruptive it may be time to remove them. You know this is the case when the board cannot perform their governance duties due to the distraction. To resolve this, the chair of the board should hold a discussion with the toxic board member and make clear the disruption it is causing. The chair should call out disruptive behavior when it happens and shut it down. The chair should remind the entire board of their code of conduct and make clear anything less will not be tolerated. If the situation continues, then the chair should initiate the process to remove the board member.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 31 January 2025
In this episode, Hall T. Martin, CEO and founder of TEN Capital, shares his journey from starting three angel networks to creating the Texas Entrepreneurs Network, which eventually became TEN Capital. Hall discusses his early experiences in angel investing, noting the challenges startups face in finding investors, particularly in Texas. He explains how his thesis led him to identify pockets of angel investors across the state and how transitioning to online platforms, including crowdfunding, helped streamline and expand their reach. Hall details the evolution of their roadshow events, the impact of the pandemic on shifting to digital, and the subsequent return to in-person interactions. Finally, he emphasizes the value of creating an interconnected entrepreneurial ecosystem by facilitating relationships between startups, investors, venture capitalists, and family offices through events, panels, and structured engagement. Tune in to learn more about the strategies and programs that TEN Capital employs to support and grow the investor-startup community.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 30 January 2025
Replacing Toxic Employees Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Toxic employees can have a detrimental impact on your employees, company culture, reputation, and revenue. It can be easier to find a new employee than to change an existing one. If behavior change doesn’t work then one must replace the toxic employee. Here are the steps to making the change: Determine when you should let the employee go. You can either hire the replacement first and then let the employee go or fire the employee first and hire the new employee later. In many cases, it’s important to remove the toxicity as soon as possible. Keep the employee change quiet and within a small circle of those who need to know. It’s not required that everyone has a going away party. Be careful with public postings for the position and consider hiring from within. Interview candidates in a discreet manner so it’s not clear to everyone that people are being interviewed. Discuss this with the toxic employee and indicate that it’s time to separate. If you don’t already have an employee policy procedure for employee departures, then now is a good time to create one for all employee separations.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 29 January 2025
How To Manage a Toxic Employee Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are many types of toxic employees. It’s important to minimize the damage they do by taking action. Here are some key steps in handling a toxic employee: Identify the problem and discuss it with the employee. For this step, gather information about the bad behavior and then talk to them. Make clear the behavior must stop and set a timeframe for improvement. Many times the toxic behavior comes from one trying to achieve their goals and doing it in a non-productive manner. In this case, provide coaching on how to achieve their goals and show what they must change. In some cases, the employee is a high performer and wants to run faster than everyone else. Give them the space to execute their own plans and minimize the disruption to others. Make clear the minimum requirements for working with others and participating in company activities. You can also move them to another department where they may perform better. In some cases the employee will need to be fired so be prepared for a hard discussion.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 28 January 2025
Types of Toxic Employees Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Toxic employees come in many forms. Here’s a list of the types of toxic employees: The bulldozer -- they are aggressive and run over others to get their own way. They typically have a strong personality and are disruptive in meetings. The passive-aggressive -- they let their true feelings be known in their comments and actions. They avoid conflict and show their disinterest through procrastination. The complainer -- they find the negative side of everything. They always point out the faults of others and predict the failure of every project. The hoarder -- they keep key information to themselves and fail to share it with others. They feel threatened by others and try to forge their own path. The self-centered --they must always be right. They don’t own up to their mistakes and never apologize. The gossip -- they spread the news about others behind their back. They talk about others and look for fodder for the gossip mill. The underperformer -- they chronically fall short of the goals and expectations. They are often disengaged from their work and find ways to hide it. Look for these types of people in your startup and work to mitigate their toxicity.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 27 January 2025
Toxic Employees Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Toxic employees can ruin a startup’s culture. Here are signs you have a toxic employee: Overconfidence -- they believe they can do more than they actually can. This leads to blown projects, missed deadlines, and poor morale in the group. Self-absorbed -- they believe the world revolves around themselves. This makes it difficult for them to work well with others in the group. Rule breakers -- they don’t follow the rules as they see themselves above it all. This creates disruption in the organization. Uncooperative -- they want to run every meeting and project in their own way. This makes it difficult to complete projects. Disrespect -- they don’t respect others in the group. This fosters a sense of disunity in the organization. To resolve these situations, have a discussion with the employee about their behavior. Bring hard evidence to the discussion to make clear the toxicity. If the behavior doesn’t change, it may be time to separate from the employee.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 24 January 2025
Signs of a Toxic Culture Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. A toxic culture indicates that employees have an unhealthy set of habits and practices. Here is a list of signs you have a toxic culture: There are no core values practiced by the team. To fix this, identify the core values of the company and have the leadership practice and promote those values.The turnover rate is high. Employees leave when the culture is toxic. Identify the source of the toxicity and work to fix it. The company practices internal cutthroat competition. Provide a fair playing field for all employees and stamp out bad behavior. Absenteeism is high. Ensure the leadership shows up and on time to meetings. Demonstrate punctuality as a core value. Poor reviews of the company. The employees call out the company for a toxic culture such as low pay, lengthy working hours, and other aspects showing the company is taking advantage of the employees. Review the work-life balance of the company to ensure the ongoing program is sustainable. Productivity is low and no one knows what others are doing. Remove the silos in the company and promote more communication across departments.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 24 January 2025
In this episode, Hall T. Martin connects with Dallas Morgan, a filmmaker, and discusses the journey of producing 'Sightings,' an ultra-low-budget thriller released in 2017. The discussion explores how the filmmaker navigated its distribution through a small-label distributor, achieving a modest recoupment path and receiving positive reviews within niche markets. Hall and Dallas delve into the motivation to enter the distribution side of the film industry, aiming to enhance the standards set by lower-level distributors and maximize exposure for various titles, particularly low-budget films and series, on platforms with established relationships. Over the past four to five years, Dallas has curated a catalog of around 300 titles, engaging in multiple aspects of film rights acquisition and placement on emerging streaming services. Hall provides insights and advice on how to effectively create and finance new projects by leveraging previous learnings and established connections.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: Dallas_Morgan_raising_funding_for_a_film_project.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 23 January 2025
Toxic Culture Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startups build a culture starting from the launch. The founder is the key determining factor for the type of culture in the startup. A toxic startup typically comes from the founder. Here are signs of a toxic culture: The founder and others speak ill of each other. Startups are small so the words of one will spread quickly through the group. The team makes fun of their customers and looks down on them. It’s important the team respects their customers and treats them with dignity. The team believes it’s okay to take from the company such as pay without work or worse stealing. Taking from the company is never right and should be called out and stopped whenever found. Overworking the team can lead to a toxic culture. It’s important to maintain a work-life balance with the business. To resolve a toxic culture, it’s important to locate the source and mitigate it. If it’s the founder, then one can work with the founder to change the behavior. If it’s an employee, then most likely that employee will need to find work elsewhere.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 22 January 2025
How To Handle a Toxic Co-Founder Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. If you find yourself with a toxic cofounder it’s important to take action. Here are the steps to dealing with a toxic cofounder. Try and work things out. Put it out on the table as an issue and talk through it with the cofounder. If the cofounder is indeed toxic then the next step is to work out an exit strategy. It’s important to bring in your legal counsel before making any moves. Develop a severance package and a departure date that minimizes disruption to the business. If there’s no vesting schedule of equity, then work out an agreement to buy out their equity over time. It’s important not to break the cap table with dead equity from the co-founder. Be fair to all including the co-founder and the team. Before recruiting a cofounder spend at least six months working with the candidate. Hire them as a contractor and give them several tasks to see how they perform. This helps prevent hiring a toxic cofounder in the first place. Make sure their equity is on a vesting schedule in case you need to separate early.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 21 January 2025
Toxic Founder-Co-Founder Relationship Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startups should have a complete team at all times. In the early stages of the startup, this includes a founder and a co-founder. One should be selling it while the other should be building it. It’s important to have a solid relationship between the founder and the co-founder. Here are the signs you may have a toxic founder-co-founder relationship One or both are critical of the other. This goes beyond constructive criticism into a personal attack. One or both become defensive in a discussion. Instead of working through the discussion, one shifts the blame on the other. One or both resent the other. This comes out in the form of contempt. During a discussion, one or both withdraw from the conversation. This indicates one or the other is trying to stonewall. Before investing in a startup check the founder co-founder relationship. These toxic signs indicate the relationship will not last and will most likely spill over to the rest of the team.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: 02.Toxic_founder_co-founder_relationship.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Mon, 20 January 2025
Toxic Founders Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Founders will make or break a startup. Here are signs of a toxic founder: They are the loudest people in the group. Their voice trumps everything else. They apply passive-aggressive techniques in managing their team. They can’t admit they are wrong. They have a high impression of themselves and expect others to have the same. They play favorites with some and put others on the hate list. They have no values. They bring out the worst in others rather than the best. They assume the world revolves around them. They make others feel small and insignificant. They don’t take responsibility for their actions. They have low self-esteem. They lack empathy for others. They can’t take feedback from others. They are abrasive with others. Look for these toxic signs in the founder of a startup.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 17 January 2025
Toxic Cap Table Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Investors funding a startup should review the cap table to determine the health of the startup. Here are signs of a toxic cap table. The founder owns the majority of shares and the cofounders own very little. Without incentive, the co-founders will not give their best effort. The founder owns very little of the company. Similarly, the founder will not find enough incentive to see the business through to exit. Too much equity has been given away in the pre-seed and seed rounds. This leaves too little equity for the Series A investors. The valuation was too high at the pre-seed or seed stage leaving no room for Series A investors to join who have a ceiling on the valuation they will accept. There are too many investors on the cap table. There’s a limit to how many investors can be on the cap table and giving up too many places could be a problem for future fundraise rounds. There’s no option pool for investors at the Series A level or later. This means all compensation to employees will come from cash. This makes it difficult to grow and later scale the business. There are too many liquidation preferences. This will make it difficult to raise at the later stage rounds. Look for these signs of a toxic cap table.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 17 January 2025
In this episode of How to Raise Funding, Hall T. Martin engages in a deep dive with Paul, discussing the intricacies and challenges faced during the startup IP filing and fundraising process. They address the crucial need for securing intellectual property effectively to avoid future refiling, and the importance of packaging the IP comprehensively to appeal to investors. Hall offers insightful strategies for structuring fundraiser campaigns, emphasizing the benefits of raising initial small funding at low valuations to build momentum and attract further investment. They also explore varying fundraising strategies, including setting clear milestones, maintaining realistic valuation expectations, and judiciously expanding the team according to the funding stages. The episode concludes with a detailed look at investor relations programs, term sheets, and leveraging safe notes and convertible notes to streamline the fundraising journey.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. ________________________________________________________________________
For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 16 January 2025
Toxic Fundraise Round Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. A toxic fundraising round provides funding but makes it difficult for the startup to raise follow-up funding. Here are some signs of a toxic round: Giving up too much equity for an early stage round of funding. This makes it difficult to provide enough capital to future investors. Raising too much funding at the early stage. This gives up too much equity for the launch leaving little room for growth investors. Raising funding at too high a valuation. The question to ask is, “If you raise the round at this valuation, will you be able to raise the next round at a higher valuation?” If you don’t think you can do so, then you should raise at a lower valuation on this round. Giving up control of the company at the early stage. This makes it difficult for the founder to grow the business since they don’t control the cap table. Down rounds. This can crush early-stage investors and send a signal to new investors that no one is safe. Taking on debt in the early stage. Follow on investors will want to see their investment go to growing the business and not paying off previous investors or lenders. Some fundraising rounds become toxic and should be canceled.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 15 January 2025
Signs of a Toxic Investor Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising funding, it’s important to choose the right investors for your startup. Avoid toxic investors at all costs. Here are signs of a toxic investor: They have no values and don’t make clear what they are looking for in a startup. They say they are interested in funding your deal but never take action. There’s no follow-up on terms sheets or diligence work. They continue to drag out the funding for non-substantial reasons. They want a long lockup period while they do their due diligence. Lock-up periods typically range from thirty to sixty days. They have unrealistic expectations about growth and what the company can do. They want a controlling stake in the company. Aside from being an investor, they’re a jerk. Their presence dissuades other investors from joining the round. They have no care about others' interest in the deal but only their own. They have a history of blowing up startups. Look for these signs you may be talking to a toxic investor.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 14 January 2025
Toxic Startups Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startups can be great or they can be toxic. Investors should look out for these signs you are talking to a toxic startup Broken cap table -- the cap table has dozens of investors on it, each with their own terms and rights. This will be a problem for follow-on fundraising as it shows too many investors with competing interests. Customer concentration -- the startup has one big customer among a few smaller customers. This will be a problem for the founder as that customer will control the pricing, terms, and potentially other aspects of the business. If the customer decides to leave, the company will encounter a major setback. Questionable product market fit -- the startup has a handful of customers wanting their service. It’s unclear if this will lead to the greater portion of the market. Unusual terms in the funding documents -- this could be extraordinary rights held by the investors. The investors and founders should both have a balance of risk and reward in the deal. Founder and investor mismatch on growth plan -- the founders and investors want to grow the business in fundamentally different ways. It’s often the case that one wants to grow organically and the other wants to grow fast. This leads to contentious arguments at every board meeting. Look for these signs of toxicity in any startup you may consider investing in.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 13 January 2025
Challenges in Scaling a Recurring Revenue Business Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Recurring revenue brings many benefits to a business. There are challenges in scaling a recurring revenue business. Consider these challenges for your business: Manual processes -- these slow down the growth of your business. The more processes you automate the easier it will be to scale your business. Automated sales, marketing, support, billing, and product delivery. Churn -- businesses with a high churn rate will struggle to scale. Seek to build a sticky business that retains customers for the long term. Unintentional churn -- this comes from failed payments. Build-in tools to reduce failed payments through dunning, automatic card updaters, and other processes to ensure successful payments. Accurate reporting -- this captures the key data points around sales, payments, and other financial aspects of the business. The more you know about your business process, the more easily you can find ways to scale it. Lead generation -- scaling a business requires a greater number of leads and ways to process them. Consider what channels you’ll need to develop to scale your recurring revenue business.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: 01.challenges_in_scaling_a_recurring_revenue_business__wav.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 10 January 2025
Challenges in Recurring Payments Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Recurring revenue brings many benefits but it also brings a few challenges. Lookout for these issues with recurring payments: Scalability -- traditional billing structures are designed for one-off payments and not recurring. As your company grows it will need a scalable solution for taking payments. Failed payments -- the customer's credit card is maxed out and can't fund any more payments. Consider tools for dunning which is the process of retrying the card over time. Invoices -- you’ll need to move away from manual invoicing to automated invoicing. This requires a system for capturing the details of the invoice including the services charged and payment to be made. Cost of service vs price charged -- to be profitable the business must charge more than the cost of the service. Calculate the unit economics of your business to ensure the pricing is sufficient. Revenue recognition -- revenue must be recognized for accounting purposes. Recurring revenue has strict rules around revenue recognition which are different from one-off invoices. Visibility -- many departments in a company need access to the recurring revenue payments from the customer. Sales, marketing, support, and other groups need to know the current status of the payment for reporting purposes. Consider these issues when setting up your recurring revenue business.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 10 January 2025
In this episode of Investor Connect, we dive into two distinct yet promising sectors: medical diagnostics and sleep technology. Michael Cormack from Corwin Medical elaborates on the company's efforts to tackle peripheral artery disease (PAD) through innovative diagnostic systems that leverage multi-element ultrasound arrays and AI-based algorithms. He elaborates on the severe impact of PAD, its high mortality rate, and the cumbersome nature of current diagnostic tools like the Doppler Pencil Probe. Michael outlines their unique Ultrasense system, which promises faster, more accurate diagnostics, detailing a robust business model and strong leadership geared towards high-margin revenue and strategic industry partnerships with entities like Medtronic and Philips. He highlights the company's commercialization timeline and financial trajectory towards profitability by 2026, supported by a strong patent portfolio and seed funding efforts. The compelling patient stories and strong market need underscore the critical importance of their work in early PAD detection and intervention. Following this, we turn our focus to SleepScore Labs with Colin Lawlor, who shares his journey from ResMed to founding an organization dedicated to leveraging AI and data for improving consumer sleep. Recognizing sleep's critical role in overall health, Colin outlines how SleepScore Labs utilizes proprietary sleep data and intervention studies to provide companies with actionable insights and personalized coaching solutions. The importance of sleep for mitigating chronic diseases and optimizing wellness drives their market opportunity, particularly through B2B2C models with partners like Mattress Firm and Terabody. By highlighting their success in Germany, where their platform is reimbursed by insurance without a doctor's prescription, Colin emphasizes the robust, scalable business model ready to capitalize on the growing demand for sleep solutions. The episode closes with both Cormack and Lawlor discussing their exit strategies and potential for partnerships with industry giants, illustrating the potential for innovation in medical diagnostics and sleep technology. The detailed exploration into these fields gives investors and entrepreneurs critical insights into the paths to market success and the transformative potential of these cutting-edge technologies. Team and Funding 30:14 Q&A and Conclusion |
Thu, 9 January 2025
Metrics for Tracking Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are several metrics to track the health of a recurring revenue business. Here are some key metrics to know: Cost of customer acquisition -- this calculates how much sales and marketing spend goes into signing up a new customer. Life-time value -- this calculates how much a customer spends on the product over the lifetime of that customer on average. CAC:LTV ratio -- compares the cost of customer acquisition with the lifetime value to create a ratio. A 1:3 ratio is the floor for a successful business. ARR -- annual recurring revenue measures the revenue based on annual contracts. MRR -- monthly recurring revenue measures the revenue based on monthly contracts. Net MRR -- this measures the amount of additional revenue the company generates month over month. Churn -- the percentage of customers who opt out of using the product by canceling. ACV -- Average Contract Value -- this is the amount customers are paying for the product on average. ARB -- Annual Recurring Billings -- this is the amount all customers pay annually. Track these metrics so you understand the current state of your recurring revenue business.
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Direct download: 04.metrics_for_tracking_recurring_revenue.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Wed, 8 January 2025
Systems for Selling Recurring Revenue Products Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing Recurring revenue gives the company several sales opportunities. Here are the key systems to install for selling recurring revenue products. New logos -- this process finds new prospects and acquires them as an initial customer. New logos represent an expansion of the customer base by bringing in new users. This customer acquisition system must generate awareness among new prospects. Renewals -- this process seeks to retain existing customers by increasing renewals. Maintaining existing customers comes from the successful use of the product. The renewal process tracks the customers' usage of the product and looks to maintain the customers' engagement through customer success. Customer retention comes from strong customer support. Customer expansion -- this process seeks to sell more services to existing customers. Recurring revenue companies have multiple products to sell. This system proposes additional products to existing customers. A good, better, best product offering helps with the upsell and cross-selling. There are three systems for selling recurring revenue products: find new customers, renew existing customers, or sell more to existing customers. Consider the system for each one of these for your startup.
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Direct download: 03.systems_for_selling_recurring_revenue_products.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Tue, 7 January 2025
How To Add Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In addition to turning your core product into recurring revenue, there’s also adding additional services for recurring revenue. Not every business can turn the core product or service into recurring revenue. The next best thing is to add recurring revenue products into your business. Here are some key add-ons to consider: Support -- consider moving your support process into recurring revenue. By charging a monthly maintenance fee you build recurring revenue and maintain contact with the customer. This gives you the opportunity to upsell the customer to new products and maintain a relationship with them. Training -- consider setting up a series of training sessions that continually train the customer. This works well for enterprise customers who must continually bring new hires up to speed on your product. Since this is an ongoing process, it can be set up as a recurring revenue sub-unit. Upgrades and updates -- consider selling the upgrades on a recurring revenue basis so the customer receives new updates regularly. Since products are often upgraded, this provides an opportunity to charge on a recurring basis.
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Mon, 6 January 2025
How To Integrate Recurring Revenue Into Your Business Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In transitioning your business to recurring revenue you’ll need to make changes to your processes. Here are some key steps in integrating recurring revenue into your business. Reconfigure your product offering so it can be used on a recurring basis. Update your marketing to promote the new product offering. Highlight the benefits of subscription with additional values such as always available and unlimited usage if appropriate. Set up commissions and incentives in the sales team to encourage selling the subscription products. Update your website to integrate the purchase and subscription management into it. Give the customer the ability to control their level of participation and ability to opt in and out online. Set up product usage tracking so you know how customers are using the product. For those who haven’t used it in a while you can reach out with promotional offers to regain their participation. Set Up an online support process to handle customer requests through the website. Move to automated payment systems using online services. By automating the support, payment, and customer services, you can create a more efficient business process.
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Direct download: 01.how_to_integrate_recurring_revenue_into_your_business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 3 January 2025
Example Transitions to Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many businesses can be moved to recurring revenue. Here are several examples of transitioning a business to a subscription. Lawn care -- a repeat business that is often paid for by the hour or the visit. Replace a variable pay for the service each time it is performed to a monthly payment for a fixed amount. Pet services -- pets require grooming, walking, sitting, and other services. Bundle grooming with pet sitting to create a monthly subscription service. Property management -- properties require maintenance, rent collection, and more. Consider bundling the services into one package and charging a standard fee each month for it. Personal grooming -- hair, nails, and other grooming services must be done regularly. Bundle a series of services into a standard price charged monthly on the credit card. Education -- student tutoring, continuing education and more could be charged on a monthly basis. Offer an annual membership in which the student is charged monthly for the service. Extermination services -- extermination is an ongoing service required by many. Consider setting up a standard service that recurs each month and charges automatically for it. These are just a few examples of businesses that could be moved to recurring revenue.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 3 January 2025
In this episode of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin engages with John Ashley, the CEO and co-founder of Auctus Surgical, to discuss their groundbreaking approach to addressing scoliosis. John introduces the company's innovative technologies aimed at improving the quality of life for young girls and women affected by this debilitating condition. With over 30 years of experience in the medical industry and multiple successful startups, John and his team are at the forefront of creating a device that not only prevents the spine from deteriorating but also allows it to grow and maintain flexibility. The conversation delves into the challenges these patients face with existing treatments and the significant market opportunity for a more effective solution. John also shares insights into Auctus Surgical's journey, highlighting key milestones, funding stages, and future plans for commercialization. The episode wraps up with discussions on the science behind their technology, regulatory pathways, and the potential for this innovation to revolutionize scoliosis treatment for both children and adults. Additionally, the episode features Charlie Kim, a scientific advisor and angel investor for Aridica Corporation, who presents their pioneering automated blood processing technology. Aridica's innovation addresses the labor-intensive and inconsistent manual process of isolating immune cells from blood, offering a push-button solution that enhances speed, quality, and scalability. Charlie shares his enthusiasm and investment in Aridica, highlighting the significant research and clinical applications of their technology. The discussion covers the current market landscape, competitive advantages, and Aridica's strategic roadmap, including plans for product development, clinical trials, and partnerships with major industry players. For more information, connect with John Ashley on LinkedIn or visit Auctus Surgical's website here: To learn more about Charlie Kim and Aridica Corporation, connect with Charlie on LinkedIn or visit Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 2 January 2025
Steps for Transitioning to Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Once you’ve decided to move to recurring revenue you’ll need to set up a plan to switch your business process over to it. Moving to recurring revenue can be done by following these steps: Identify the services that are used repeatedly such as support, replenishment, and updates. Recast these services into a recurring offering. Consider moving your core value proposition to a premium product that requires a subscription. The non-recurring revenue component could be offered as a free product/service to engage the customer. Install payment mechanisms within the product. Notify existing customers of the upcoming change. Set a date for the launch of the subscription model. Start the service with new customers first as they are not yet onboard so there’s no switchover cost. Offer incentives to existing customers to move to subscriptions through discounts and other freemium products. Set an end-of-life for the current product to move the remaining customers to subscription. The process for most companies takes six to twelve months to complete.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Wed, 1 January 2025
Maintaining Recurring Revenue Customers Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In a non-recurring revenue business, one focuses on finding new customers. Once you have moved to recurring revenue, you’ll also need to focus on retaining existing customers. To retain customers you’ll need to create a strong customer experience. This comes from solving the customer's problem efficiently and building a relationship with the customer. To solve the customer’s problem efficiently, you’ll need multiple price tiers so the customer does not overpay or look elsewhere for what you do not offer. Price the product so the customer finds the best value for their money. Make sure the recurring revenue fits the problem the customer must solve. It needs to be a repeat problem. Maintain high-quality customer service. The customer in most cases has prepaid for the service and will expect a high level of support. Keep your offerings up to date with the customer’s needs. Recurring revenue models are constantly looking for new features to add and new products to offer. Finally, update your metrics to capture the state of the business. This includes the cost of customer acquisition and the lifetime value of the customer.
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Direct download: 03.maintaining_recurring_revenue_customers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Tue, 31 December 2024
How To Switch to Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Businesses without a subscription model can move to recurring revenue. Here are some ways to take your business and make it recurring. Set Up a members-only section on your website. Put premium content into that section and charge a recurring fee to access it. Membership models help you build a community of like-minded people. Once you have a base of customers with a common interest you can upsell to other products. Move the repeat usage of your product to recurring revenue. Set up automated charging as a first step and later move to monthly/annual contracts. It’s not necessary to move the entire business to a subscription. Charge an extra fee for the non-recurring services when they occur. For physical goods, create a subscription box in which the product arrives on a recurring basis. One can adjust the price based on the frequency of usage or how much is included in it. Hardware services such as IT and video surveillance can be moved to recurring revenue. The ongoing support, data storage, and analysis can be placed on a recurring revenue model. This could also apply to IoT devices in which the device must maintain connectivity to the network. Consider these examples when moving your business to recurring revenue.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Mon, 30 December 2024
Recurring Revenue Business Examples Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In the venture world, the recurring revenue business model is the preferred method. The recurring revenue business model provides consistent demand. Here are some example businesses using recurring revenue: Software as a service -- this business model provides access to a software platform in exchange for a subscription fee. It’s one of the most common businesses as software lends itself to repeat usage over time. In addition to providing a service, it can also capture data for additional monetization. Services -- businesses that provide an ongoing service such as lawn care, can also be put into a subscription format. Since the lawn continues to grow and needs continual care, it’s a repeat revenue stream. Membership -- businesses that provide an ongoing membership are ideal for recurring revenue. Examples include businesses with loyalty programs in which one must be a member to gain access to the products and services. Property management -- businesses that provide ongoing management and maintenance of a service fit the recurring revenue model. In this example, the rent must be collected each month and problems resolved with the property. Predictable cash flow and automated payments give the business a competitive advantage over non-recurring revenue businesses.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 27 December 2024
How To Maintain a Recurring Revenue Business Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. After setting up a recurring revenue business model, one must maintain the business. Here are some key steps: Most customers typically start with the basic service or product. It’s important to make available higher-priced services. Follow the good-better-best strategy of three-tiered pricing so you can upsell customers who need more. For those who need less, you can keep them as a customer by selling them a lower-priced version. One can also create a loyalty program. By rewarding customers who use your service, they tend to stay longer and use more of it. Remove the friction in payment. Move from manual payments to automated payments if you haven’t already. Build stickiness with the product by capturing data from the customer’s usage and making it a part of the product you offer. Customers who come to rely on that data will stay with the product longer. Finally, set up a customer service program that can fix problems as soon as they occur. Resolving problems quickly will reduce churn. Consider these steps in building your recurring revenue business ongoing.
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Direct download: 05.how_to_maintain_a_recurring_revenue_business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 27 December 2024
In this episode of Investor Connect, we delve into the entrepreneurial journey of two innovative companies breaking new ground in their respective markets. The first part of the discussion revolves around a pet product currently in a powder form that enhances hydration and electrolytes for dogs. The conversation addresses common concerns regarding hydration, dosage, and the potential market impact of the product, especially as it transitions to platforms like Amazon. The speaker also shares insights from beta sales and the business's projections, highlighting the effectiveness of customer retention models and strategies to ensure product safety and appeal. The episode then transitions to an intriguing segment on a transformative technology aimed at alleviating chronic pain. The entrepreneur presents a pain relief device based on micro points, initially developed for wound closure but discovered to be highly effective in treating severe, chronic pain. The story includes impressive results from clinical trials and a compelling explanation of the device's mechanism. The discussion also covers the various health conditions the device addresses and the significant market potential, supported by strong sales metrics and strategic distribution channels. Listeners will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by startups in the pet product and healthcare technology sectors. Through detailed explanations of safety protocols, market testing, and strategic planning, the episode provides a comprehensive look at what it takes to innovate and succeed. The speakers share their experiences with product development, market entry strategies, and the importance of clinical validation, offering valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors alike. Hall T. Martin, host of Investor Connect, brings his signature tone and humor, engaging with the speakers in a lively conversation that not only highlights their innovative products but also underscores the broader market trends and investment opportunities in these dynamic fields. Don't miss out on this enlightening episode filled with actionable insights and inspiring entrepreneurial stories.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 26 December 2024
Types of Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Recurring revenue can be implemented in many ways. Here’s a list of the different types of recurring revenue: Charge based on time -- this form of recurring revenue charges based on a period of time say a month or a year. It’s simple and can be applied to all customers equally. Perpetual use -- this type of recurring revenue charges for continual access to a service through which one can buy specific goods or services. The perpetual model creates a customer base that can be upsold to other products. Product usage-based -- this form of recurring revenue charges based on the usage of the product. Storage is an example of paying for the amount of storage used on a recurring basis. Per seat usage -- this type of recurring revenue charge based on how many users access the platform. This works for enterprise applications which can have varying numbers of users. Price tiers -- this type of recurring revenue offers several price levels based on the usage and number of features used. Freemium models -- this type of recurring revenue uses a free product for onboarding customers and then charges a recurring fee for the use of premium features. Consider these variations of recurring revenue for your business.
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Wed, 25 December 2024
Why Move to Recurring Revenue Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Businesses with recurring revenue find benefits over companies without it. Here are a list of reasons why you should move your business to recurring revenue: Predictability -- helps predict the level of demand for your products or services and the amount of revenue you’ll make from it. Automated invoicing -- instead of chasing invoices each month, the recurring revenue model automates the invoicing process reducing the time and cost of collections. Market intelligence -- a cohort of customers signed up for recurring revenue provides a great opportunity to run market research campaigns. Customer loyalty -- customers signed into a subscription maintain greater loyalty to the product. Greater revenue -- customers signed up for a subscription are good candidates for upselling and cross-selling. Valuation -- businesses with recurring revenue command a higher valuation in fund raises and upon exit due to the stickiness of the customer base. While it may not be possible to move your entire business to subscription in most cases some portion of the business can be moved to it. Consider these advantages for your business.
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Tue, 24 December 2024
Top Blockchain Business Models Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Here are the most common business models for blockchain. Utility tokens -- this business model provides a service to the users through tokens. Tokens are minted and distributed to motivate the holders to foster the community’s purpose. Tokens are the internal currency to the community. Blockchain as a service -- blockchain services are provided to other businesses in which to transact their own business activities. Blockchains are complex so many businesses seeking the benefits of it look for a host system. This reduces not only the time to setup a blockchain but also the cost to maintain the hardware and software. Development systems -- include blockchain applications for executing smart contracts and more. Businesses adopt development systems to speed up the application development and launch process. Blockchain applications -- this includes point applications such as fund transfer systems, user authentication, and identity verification solutions. Businesses can adopt ready-to-run applications for their own networks. Blockchain data storage -- this business model provides data storage bringing the benefits of blockchain security. Businesses can use these solutions for their data storage needs. There are many new blockchain applications and development systems coming to the market. These are the most prevalent business models thus far.
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Mon, 23 December 2024
Business Benefits of Blockchain Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Blockchain brings many benefits to businesses that use it. Here’s a list of key benefits to consider: Trust -- blockchain enables trust between two businesses even if no prior relationship exists. Decentralization -- blockchain connects two businesses through data sharing. Security -- Blockchain brings a new level of security to the business’s data through its distributed storage. Cost reduction -- blockchain can decrease costs through smart contracts and other automation. Speed -- blockchain can accelerate the rate of business transactions through online connectivity. Visibility -- blockchain stores all transactions on one network giving all the constituents visibility on the history. Immutability -- blockchain brings a permanent record of transactions that cannot be altered providing an immutable record. Control -- blockchain brings the individual control over their own data such that they control it. Tokens -- blockchain brings the concept of tokens which yields online ownership, access, and resources. Businesses across many sectors including financial, government, legal, and healthcare can benefit from the blockchain. By reorganizing networks into a blockchain structure, businesses can improve the speed and lower the cost of business transactions.
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Fri, 20 December 2024
In this special episode of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin narrates the excitement of Ten Capital's first roadshow event in Los Angeles post-pandemic. The event brings together key players in the investment community, showcasing both innovative startups and Ten Capital's mission to build and foster an ecosystem for angel networks, venture capital, and family offices. Hall introduces the company's history and highlights its expansion into various cities, emphasizing their commitment to facilitating investor connections and startup success through both online and in-person events. With guest appearances from TechCoast Angels and Perkins Coie, the episode provides listeners with valuable insights into the collaborative efforts shaping the future of funding and investment in the tech industry. Lastly, the episode features a compelling pitch from Dylan Jones, founder of LYX, a hydration treat for dogs, highlighting the innovative solutions emerging within the pet care market.
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Direct download: 2024-09-10_Ten_Capital_LIVE_Los_Angeles_Zoom_Event_Recording_pt01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 20 December 2024
Simple Agreement for Future Governance Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The blockchain brings new investment structures for ownership. The Simple Agreement for Future Equity called a SAFE gives the investor ownership in an entity through a warrant. The Simple Agreement for Future tokens or Equity (SAFTE) gives the investor the right to buy tokens in the future. The Simple Agreement for Future Governance called a SAFG gives the investor governance rights through their participation in the community. The SAFG shifts ownership from buying through investment to earning through participation. The SAFG only gives governance rights to the holder. This means the holder doesn’t own a stake in the community but rather can vote on policy issues. The SAFG is non-transferable and does not earn income. This increases the participation in the community for the long term. Those with the right to vote on governance issues are primarily the users of the network. This reduces the regulatory compliance burden on the community. It creates participatory capital where the ones using the network have a say in how the network grows. It reduces outside interference into the community.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 19 December 2024
Blockchain and the Future of Work Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The traditional company has a hierarchical structure of leaders, employees, and investors. Blockchain enables a new structure called the Distributed Autonomous Organization or DAO. The DAO replaces the hierarchy of the traditional company with a network of contributors. The DAO consists of contributors as follows: Instead of employees, the DAO has workers who earn tokens by advancing the goals of the community through their labor. Instead of compensating service providers such as lawyers and accountants with cash, the network compensates providers with tokens. For partners and customers, the DAO compensates them as participants who further the goals of the community through their buying and distributing the DAO’s products and services. Instead of investors, the DAO has stakers who contribute the capital necessary to run the DAO’s business. The traditional hierarchy is replaced with a network in which each node is incentivized through tokens to foster the overall community. The functions of the business are executed through smart contracts. The DAO expands the concept of the company from the employee, employer, partner, and investor model to a larger, more encompassing network in which everyone receives tokens for their contribution.
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Wed, 18 December 2024
Creating a Network for Your Blockchain Startup Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Blockchain startups build value through network effects. The architecture of the blockchain creates several layers with which to foster a network. Here are some key incentives to create a network for your blockchain startup: Utility -- the system delivers a service such as funds exchange or data storage. Cash -- the system provides tokens that can be exchanged for fiat currency. Equity -- the system provides ownership stakes to those in the network. Reputation -- the system provides reputation advantages to those in the network. Access -- those in the network have access to resources such as investors for fundraising. Branding -- the system provides a brand to those in the network such as a community that fosters a common goal. NFTs -- the system provides non-fungible tokens that represent something of value within the community such as a piece of art from a specific artist. Tokens-- the system provides tokens to those in the network that bring benefits to the holder such as access to resources. Incentives attract additional users which in turn increases the value of the network.
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Direct download: 03.Creating_a_network_for_your_blockchain_startup.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Tue, 17 December 2024
Business Models for Blockchain Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Traditional businesses provide a product/service and earn profit from the sales. These businesses are in manufacturing, distribution, or retailing. Blockchain uses a different business model due to the decentralized nature of the network. Here are the key business models: Blockchain as a service -- provides the blockchain for others to use to further their community goals. Ethereum is an example of a blockchain as a service which provides the network and infrastructure for running applications. Tokens as a utility -- this business model uses tokens to provide utility to the user. An example is a network using tokens to provide fund transfers. Blockchain-based tools -- this business model uses blockchain to provide a specific service. An example is a blockchain-based system that tracks real estate ownership. Blockchain as storage -- this business model uses blockchain for storing information and data. An example is a data storage company offering a blockchain-based product for storing data. Blockchain services -- this business model provides services related to blockchain development. An example is an engineer who codes smart contracts for blockchain-based applications.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 16 December 2024
Ethereum Tokenomics Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Ethereum network is one of the largest blockchain networks available. Here are the tokenomics for ETH, the token of the Ethereum network. There are three constituents in the Ethereum community as follows: Users who hold ETH are either investors or application users of the network. Miners who process the transactions on the network which generate new ETH. Stakers who invest funds in exchange for ETH to verify the transactions. Users pay a transaction fee to the miners and a tip fee to the stakers for the use of the network which decreases the supply of ETH. Miners generate new ETH in exchange for processing transactions which increases the supply. The tokenomics can be measured by reviewing the total number of active addresses holding Ethereum and the number of transactions. The applications running on the Ethereum network also point to the strength of the chain. Too much demand inflates the price of the token. Too many new tokens generated deflates the price of the token. A good tokenomics system keeps a balance between supply and demand achieving equilibrium.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 13 December 2024
Token Vesting Strategies Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Vesting is the process for distributing an asset to someone who is entitled to it. This could be shares of stock in a company. Cliff is the initial wait time before the distribution begins. Startups use vesting to distribute shares to the founders and employees. A typical startup vesting schedule is a one-year cliff and a four-year vesting period. This means the first distribution comes one year after the start of the process. And the shares are distributed each year over four years in equal amounts. In Web3, tokens can also be distributed using a vesting schedule. The typical cliff time is 6 months. The token can be vested using a linear model in which case the token is vested in equal amounts over time. Alternatively, the token can be vested on specific dates at varying amounts. The linear model provides less price fluctuation and more stability in the community compared to specific date vesting. Vesting reduces short-term speculation and provides an incentive for token holders to remain with the community longer. Consider the vesting schedule for your token distribution.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 12 December 2024
Token Distribution Strategies Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are several strategies for distributing tokens. Here are three key areas to consider when designing and distributing your token: Leverage the community. Design the token incentives to encourage the community to promote it. Give current token holders additional benefits if they attract others to the token. This process requires more engagement from the community which takes time to bear results. Vary the token price based on demand. As demand for the token increases so does the price for it. As demand decreases so also the price decreases. This provides a pricing mechanism to increase the network and dampen speculation. Use lockups to create price stability and token holder longevity. In general, lockups reduce speculation overall. Adjust the lockup period by varying the price based on hold time. The token holder can earn a greater reward from holding the token if they commit to locking it up for a longer period. The design, distribution, and hold time bring new strategies for distributing the token. The goal is to encourage others to join and remain holders of the token to provide stability to the price and longevity to the community.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 11 December 2024
Generating Network Effects With Tokens Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Network effects increase the value of a community. The greater the network the higher the value. Tokens can be used to generate network effects through the incentives they provide. To create network effects one must overcome the chicken and egg problem. So how does one attract users before the network is fully formed? Here are some key steps to foster network effects in your community: Airdrop tokens to potential users to create an initial base. Look for communities already formed but not growing and reach out to those users. Offer additional value and engage them through an airdrop. Identify a subgroup and gear the token offering to their specific interests. Set up in-person events to explain what one can do with the token. Provide exclusive value to the early adopters of the token. Set a time limit for adopting the token to spur action. Set up partnerships with similar groups to foster the adoption of the token in their group. Network effects work well at scale but getting there takes additional steps.
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Direct download: 03.generating_network_effects_with_tokens.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Tue, 10 December 2024
How To Build Tokenomics for Your Project Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In designing tokenomics the goal is to incentivize the community toward a common goal. This can be done through the design of the supply and demand as well as specific incentives. Here are the steps to design tokenomics for your project: Identify the utility of the token and the value it will bring to the holder and how it aligns with their needs Build the token mechanics. This includes the minting, supply, and demand as well as the burning of tokens. Determine if the tokens are active or passive. Active tokens process information while passive tokens simply represent a utility or value. Determine if the token can be transferred or not. Decide the monetary and fiscal policy of the token. Determine how the token will be sold or distributed. Check the legal issues to ensure compliance in your jurisdiction. Check compatibility with smart contracts for enacting the tokens on a blockchain. Test at each stage to ensure proper functioning. The objective is to create a stable ecosystem meeting the needs of the community.
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Direct download: 02.how_tobuild_tokenimics_fir_your_project.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Mon, 9 December 2024
Elements of Tokenomics Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Tokenomics focuses on the supply and demand of the token in an ecosystem. Supply and demand determine the price of the token. Increasing the supply of tokens generates inflation of the price while decreasing the supply causes deflation. The demand side is determined by how the market views the token. The market assesses the potential return on investment for the token. The ability of the token to generate revenue through yield farming would increase the token’s ROI. Additional utilities such as governance capabilities, access to community resources, and access to revenue streams increase the token’s ROI. In some cases, pure speculation will drive the price of the token. Vesting schedules, lockups, and other tools can be used to increase the demand for the token. Airdrops can be used to establish an initial community of token holders. Tokens can be burned to increase the value of the token by increasing scarcity. The goal is to create a stable price for the token and provide incentives to encourage others to become token holders. These are the basic elements of tokenomics for managing the token supply and demand.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Sun, 8 December 2024
In this episode, Hall welcomes David Zavoianu, founder of Guided Planet, an innovative company redefining convenience with its AI-powered concierge service. Guided Planet’s cutting-edge technology allows users to seamlessly book a wide range of services—like private jets and flower deliveries—through a simple app interface. David shares the company's ambitious goal of scaling its user base from 1.4 million to 10 million active users, supported by a $10 million investment round. He also dives into the challenges of building an in-house AI system and the advantages of eliminating middlemen to achieve higher profit margins. Hall highlights TEN Capital’s unique retainer-based approach to connecting startups with investors, offering greater flexibility and robust networks through both online and in-person meetings. As the conversation wraps up, David inquires about TEN Capital’s virtual options to accommodate his busy travel schedule. Hall reassures him of the program’s adaptability and notes the upcoming fee increase in January. Tune in for insights on scaling AI-driven businesses and fostering meaningful investor connections!
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 6 December 2024
What Is Tokenomics Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Tokenomics is a combination of “token” and “economics” and encompasses the creation, distribution, supply and demand, and destruction of tokens in an ecosystem. It’s important to apply proper tokenomics or token management for the following reasons: Incentive -- provides incentives to move the community towards its goals. Distribution -- disburses the tokens to miners and stakers who validate the transactions, and users who provide value to the community. Stability -- create a stable price for the token so the community remains focused on the project at hand rather than the price volatility of the token. Yield -- create a token of value that can generate income through interest rate arbitrage. Dissolution -- a path for removing tokens from the ecosystem to foster a stable price and prevent inflation. Supply management -- maintain an adequate number of tokens to grow the community and meet its objectives. Vesting -- required hold time of the token to prevent short-term speculation and create cohesion in the community. Tokenomics fosters the economy of the community. A good tokenomics structure leads to a healthy community through proper management of the token economics.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 5 December 2024
How To Value a Token Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In valuing equity one looks at the revenue for high-growth companies and cash flow for low-growth startups. From this one can determine the valuation. Tokens bring additional features that impact the valuation. In addition to ownership, tokens can bring the following benefits: Voting rights -- gives the holder the right to vote to determine the policies of the community. Yield -- gives the holder the right to lend out the token in order to generate income through interest rates. Utility -- gives the holder additional capabilities such as access rights to resources. To value a token one must consider not only the revenue and profit streams but also the voting rights, potential gain through yield farming, and utility. To find a final valuation one must assign a value to each of these components and then sum them up. This gives the token several more levers with which to pull to increase the value. If the interest rates go up on yield farming, then the value of the token should rise commensurate with it. If the token holder has the right to vote to increase the value of the community, then the value of the token should increase with it.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 4 December 2024
Cap Tables With Tokens Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web3 introduces tokens into the startup world. Tokens bring a new layer of incentives and must be accounted for in the cap table. This shows up in the form of community and treasury entries. It’s not uncommon for the community to be the majority of the cap table. The tokens provide incentive and must be kept as a separate component of the cap table until issued to the holder. In the Web3 world, the treasury is another newcomer to the cap table. In the Web2 world, the treasury value was spread across all investors as a component of their equity stake. The treasury must be set aside to compensate the token holders. The token can be treated as a warrant. Warrants give the holder the right to exercise an option to convert the warrant into cash. The holder may or may not convert the token. Tokens bring new value but require additional support structures for maintaining a pool of tokens, distributing the tokens, and redeeming them. This brings new entries to the cap table.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 3 December 2024
Using Tokens As Incentives Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Tokens bring a new layer of value to the internet startup. Startups can provide incentives to their prospective users to help grow the startup’s network and provide value. In the Web2 world, the startup founder must solve the chicken and egg problem by attracting users to the network before there’s a network to join. These companies offered free services and products in exchange for user engagement. Over time, this could grow into a bigger network providing more value to the user. Network effects and their benefits kick in after the network gains scale. In the Web3 world, the startup can provide tokens at no cost to the user to join. This accelerates the growth of the network by giving users something of value at no cost. Unlike the Web2 world, Web3 provides tokens in return for the user’s engagement. The token incentives give the user some value that they can retain and use after they’ve joined the network. The Web2 world depends on people giving their time, content, identity and other assets in exchange for a short-term use of the product. Web3 layers a new level of value into the process by giving a token which the user maintains even after they’ve joined.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 2 December 2024
Applications for Tokens Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Tokens work well in creating a digital representation of a physical asset. Here are four applications for tokens: Precious metals -- gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals can be difficult to handle in their physical form. Tokenization can represent a block of precious metals making it easier to buy, hold, and sell it. Fractionalization can break a large block into smaller pieces reducing the cost of entry. Real estate -- land and property are good use cases for tokens. Tokenization can represent the ownership of a property on a blockchain making it easier to track. Blockchains provide a permanent record of all transactions and ownership. Logistics -- supply chains are ideal use cases for tokenization. All information related to a set of source materials, goods, and history can be tracked on the blockchain. Everyone in the supply chain has visibility on all goods, transactions, and history. Non-fungible tokens -- creates a digital representation of a physical object such as art. The blockchain can facilitate the use of NFTs tracking ownership, rights, and other aspects of it. Everything is moving online. Tokens can track the ownership, fractionalize the asset, and provide information about it online, speeding up the transaction.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 29 November 2024
Designing Tokenomics Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In designing the tokenomics for your business there are four key areas to consider: Role of the token -- what role will the token play and what value will it bring. The token could be a store of value, provide access, or facilitate governance. Supply of the token -- how many tokens will be minted, used, and burned. The supply could be fixed or variable. It could increase or decrease based on a community vote. Utility of the token -- how does the holder of the token use it. What access does the token bring? What value could it have? What voting rights can the user hold? Incentive of the token -- what drives a user to obtain a token and use it? Does it represent ownership in which case the token acts as a security? Does it represent compensation in which case the user could exchange it for dollars and spend it. A good token design can keep up with the demand of the network. It can be repaired by votes from the community if there’s a fault in the design. Consider these issues in your tokenomics design.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 29 November 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Jonathan Loewenhar, Founder and Managing Partner of Enjoy The Work. Located in Austin, Texas, Enjoy The Work is a consulting firm dedicated to helping founders develop the essential skills needed to transition effectively into successful CEOs. With a focus on startups that are navigating the complex landscape of growth and management, the firm provides expert guidance that empowers business leaders to optimize operations and foster high-performing teams. Through engaging workshops and personalized coaching, Enjoy The Work aims to bridge the gap between mere entrepreneurial spirit and effective company leadership. Jonathan Loewenhar has had an impressive career, operating in various sectors and accumulating rich experiences in growing and managing businesses. Starting as an operator who successfully led a division generating a billion dollars, Jonathan has shifted his focus to empowering other entrepreneurs. He has worked with numerous startups, honing his expertise in what differentiates successful founders from those who struggle. Jonathan's passion for creating value and helping founders succeed led him to establish Enjoy The Work, where he emphasizes the need for skills development equating to a founder's entrepreneurial journey. In this episode, Jonathan discusses the unique challenges founders face as they transition into leadership roles, particularly the important shift from a founder's mindset to that of a CEO. He articulates the need for effective communication and management skills, which are often overlooked during the initial phases of a startup. Additionally, Jonathan shares insights into how his firm collaborates with startups, emphasizing a tailored approach that adapts to the specific context and dynamics of each company. His perspective aligns well with the evolving trends in entrepreneurship, particularly in the wake of recent economic changes. Visit Enjoy The Work at, LinkedIn, and on Twitter. Reach out to Jonathan Loewenhar at and on Twitter.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 28 November 2024
How To Apply a Token Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Tokens bring a new level of incentives to your business. Consider these steps in tokenizing your business model. Define the characteristics of your token as follows: Determine the role of the token such as giving voting rights, acting as a store of value, or representing ownership. Determine the rules around fungibility, transferability, supply, and flow. Apply tokenization to your business model by asking these questions: What part of the business would benefit from decentralization? What part would work better with fractionalization? What part would improve with incentives? Focus on applying tokenization to your value proposition. Determine how many tokens to mint and what the token holder must do to earn it. Estimate the cost of running and managing a token process. Figure out how the token will be distributed, exchanged, and used. Choose a platform on which to run the token economy or discuss building your own. Create a sales and marketing plan to promote the token and engage users. Tokens bring a new layer to building a business.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 27 November 2024
When Is a Token a Security Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Tokens provide either utility or represent securities. Utility tokens give access, the right to vote, reputation, and more. Security tokens represent an equity ownership stake as an investment. These tokens come with regulatory oversight. Utility tokens have no regulation. Security tokens are similar to stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles. Traditional securities laws apply to security tokens. They must be traded on regulated exchanges. Gains and losses must be reported, and taxes must be paid. Laws specific to security tokens are not yet fully defined so it’s best to wait for the final regulations. Security tokens bring additional advantages over traditional stocks such as fractionalization. One doesn’t have to buy an entire share but rather smaller slices of ownership. One can automate the investment process using security tokens. Security tokens provide greater liquidity to assets by representing the asset online. These tokens provide greater market access and allow for new innovation.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 26 November 2024
Social Tokens Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Social tokens represent individuals, in particular creators. Tokens capture the value a creator generates in the form of reputation. Some will buy the token to support the creator and belong to their community. A creator can build their own token network with governance, incentives, and more. Also called creator or community tokens, these tokens represent a new form of fandom. Tokens based on individuals may or may not outlive the individual. This has yet to be determined. Just as fame rises and falls so the value of the token will rise and fall with it. Social tokens are similar to social media in which individuals burnish their reputation through their postings. Creators pursue social tokens as a means to finance their activities. This applies to musicians, writers, and other creator types. If your fans could support specific projects then the creator can pursue more of them. The social token generates publicity for the creator as well. Consider a social token for mobilizing your community to support upcoming events and projects.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 25 November 2024
Types of Wallets Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are several types of wallets used in the blockchain space. They can be hot or cold wallets. Hot means the wallet is connected to the internet and can exchange digital assets directly. Cold means the wallet is offline and cannot exchange assets until reconnected to the internet. The cold wallet provides greater security as no one can hack it online. The hot wallet provides convenience as one can use it to exchange assets more freely. There are several types of wallets as follows: Online crypto wallets -- the wallet is provided by an online service. These are provided by exchanges to enable the flow of digital assets. Mobile wallets -- the wallet exists on the mobile device. These make it easy to pay for things using one’s digital assets. Hardware wallets -- the wallet exists on a hardware device such as a USB stick. These make it easy to take offline for security purposes. Desktop wallets -- the wallet resides on your desktop computer. This makes it easy to access from other applications. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages trading convenience for security.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 22 November 2024
What Is a Blockchain Wallet Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. A blockchain wallet is an online wallet with which users store and manage their digital assets. These assets could include cryptocurrencies, tokens, non-fungible tokens called NFTs, or more. The wallet maintains the links to networks, applications, and other systems. The wallet has a password for user access and can be recovered using a seed phrase in case the password is lost. The wallet does not physically hold the digital assets but rather holds the links to those assets. The wallet has a public key and a private key. The public key is an address for the wallet and can be used as a means of identifying the wallet. The private key acts as a password. The private key is used to ensure the security of the wallet to which the user is the only one who has access. Web2 applications use the login/password method to provide user access. The problem here is that the public key and the private key are the same. By placing a network token into your wallet you can gain access to that network. The user controls their data through the wallet rather than login/password access.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 22 November 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Alex Chompff, Co-founder and Executive Director of Evolution Ventures and Lead General Partner of MinervaFund. Located in California, Minerva Fund is an active early-stage venture capital firm that invests in women and traditionally underrepresented founders. They focus on identifying and nurturing innovative ideas that often go unnoticed in conventional funding environments. Minerva Fund is dedicated to creating a more inclusive venture capital ecosystem that aims to uplift diverse entrepreneurs and drive meaningful change in the industry. Alex and his team believe in the power of emerging managers and the necessity of supporting underrepresented groups in the startup landscape. By investing in companies led by diverse founders, they not only promote equity but also tap into a wealth of innovative ideas that have the potential to disrupt traditional markets. The fund emphasizes a unique investment thesis centered on the decomposition of monolithic industries, recognizing that there is considerable market opportunity within sectors that can be transformed through specialization and technology-driven solutions. Alex Chompff has been active in investing for many years, starting as an angel and then taking on roles leading various deals. His journey began as the Director of Technology for the world's largest venture capital firm in the late 1990s, an experience that provided him valuable insights into the investment landscape. Over the years, he has developed a keen understanding of the venture capital ecosystem, particularly regarding female and underrepresented founders who are often overlooked by traditional investors. In this episode, Alex discusses his investment thesis for Minerva Fund, focusing on the importance of innovation over invention and the role of technology in transforming industries. He emphasizes the significance of revenue generation as a key indicator of success for startups and the need for diversity in leadership within the venture capital community. Visit the website: and Linkedin: Get in touch with Alex here: and his email: Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Thu, 21 November 2024
Blockchain Use Cases and Applications Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Blockchain brings transparency, governance, and security to the internet. Here’s a list of use cases and applications for blockchain. Smart contracts -- automates the execution of contracts online. Replacing paper contracts, these code units automate the contract and maintain an online record of the transactions. Cybersecurity -- secures the integrity of the data and systems. Blockchain distributes the data across the network making it more secure from hackers. Supply chain -- captures and stores the data from all participants in a supply chain. Blockchain maintains the record of all transactions in a supply chain network giving everyone visibility on the system. Cryptocurrency -- enables digital money. Blockchain removes the gatekeepers and creates an online system for supporting digital currencies through online “trust”. NFTs -- non-fungible tokens are unique digital assets. Blockchain enables the creation, storage, and transfer of digital assets online. Blockchain applications benefit from the online nature of the system in which manual steps, gatekeepers, and physical components such as paper contracts and physical coins and dollars are replaced with online equivalents. Applications include healthcare such as electronic medical record keeping. Governance such as voting for proposals and initiatives. Identity such as replacing passports and driver's license for proof of identity. Banking such as the use of digital currencies instead of physical ones. Blockchain creates a new level of network connectivity enabling higher levels of connectivity and performance.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: 04.blockchain_use_cases_and_applications.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Wed, 20 November 2024
How To View the Blockchain World Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Blockchain brings a new technical paradigm to the internet. Here are the key players and components of the blockchain world Asset holders -- they acquire tokens, coins, and NFTs that represent value. This includes exchanges, wallets, banks, funds and lenders. Protocols -- these are computer protocols that manage the exchange of information and value. This includes using coins as a store of value, or tokens to gain access to an asset, or NFTs as collectibles. Smart contracts execute the transactions within the protocol. Exchanges -- marketplaces for trading digital assets. This includes traditional exchanges with a gatekeeper managing the process as well as decentralized exchanges with no intermediaries. Chains -- these are databases which store the transactions. Network effects impact the usefulness of chains. The more users on the chain, the more users will want to engage it. Miners -- they run algorithms to ensure the information across the distributed nodes remains accurate and consistent. Application software -- these are the applications that provide the user specific services such as a social network, managing real estate assets, or tracking insurance coverage.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 19 November 2024
What Is a Blockchain Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Blockchain is a way of recording information that is hard to hack or steal. It is a ledger of transactions that are distributed across a network of computers New transactions are added to each ledger throughout the network. Multiple players manage this distributed information called the Distributed Ledger. The blockchain can be programmed with smart contracts. These code units execute transactions across the blockchain. The records are immutable which means they cannot be changed. Those transacting on the blockchain can be anonymous. Every record is encrypted for security reasons. Each record is time and date-stamped. No single person or node controls the blockchain. But every node holding the blockchain collectively agrees to the content. The blockchain provides the mechanism for building “trust” into a network. This provides the technical basis for digital money. There no longer needs to be a gatekeeper for handling money. An online network of computers through a series of computer code executions can replicate the gatekeeper function. This enables online means to manage money.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 18 November 2024
Decentralization in Web3 Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web3 brings a new level of decentralization to the internet. Web3 lets users build their own economic networks using open-source code and tokens to provide incentives. Web3 consists of several components to create the technical underpinnings that provide decentralization. This includes digital assets such as tokens that represent value, the blockchain which stores all the transactions for transparency purposes, and smart contracts for executing the transactions. Web3 brings a new level of governance to the entity. Control of the entity is shared among all and executed through voting mechanisms. Web3 decentralization separates the data from the core system so it’s portable and can be moved by the user to other platforms. The Web3 technical structure enables the transition from a Web2 platform to a Web3 platform. Traditional fintech companies can enable decentralization in the following ways: Move governance to a decentralized community that votes. Embed execution of the transactions into smart contracts. Separate data from the code base. Create digital assets to provide incentives for those working on the system. Consider moving your Web2 application to Web3.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 15 November 2024
Web3 CFO Skills Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web3 brings new challenges to the startup leadership. Here are some key skills a Web3 CFO should have: In addition to basic financial skills, the CFO should also understand the technology and frameworks for DeFi, Crypto, and Web3. Web3 brings a new tech stack with multiple layers providing new functionality. CFOs need to understand the structure and the regulatory requirements. Web3 brings new ways to raise funding. CFOs will need those tools to fund the operations. Web3 brings new tools for financial reporting. The CFO will need to know the Web3 tools for managing the financial aspects of the operations. Web3 takes the treasury function to a new level. The CFO will need to know how the treasury works to maintain ongoing operations. Web3 interfaces with the traditional banking world. The CFO will need to know how to manage traditional banking relationships with the Web3 structure. Finally, converting crypto funds to traditional banking accounts require additional oversight from the CFO. Web3 CFOs should know these areas to be effective.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 15 November 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Andrew Romans, General Partner at 7BC Venture Capital Fund. Andrew Romans brings a wealth of experience, having begun his career as an entrepreneur in the enterprise software industry, spanning Silicon Valley, New York, and Austin. He has raised approximately $300 million for his startups, achieving significant milestones such as IPOs and M&As, while also navigating challenges along the way. His journey eventually led him into venture capital, where he has dedicated over 12 years to managing VC funds and assisting startups in securing funding. In this episode, Andrew shares insights from his extensive background in venture capital, discussing the evolution of his career and the challenges faced in raising capital as an emerging manager. He emphasizes the importance of networking, understanding market dynamics, and leveraging international perspectives in investments. Andrew outlines effective strategies for engaging with startups and how governments can support innovation through tax incentives. Andrew Romans discusses the nuances of raising venture capital, the role of media in shaping public perception, and the essential strategies for aspiring founders. He highlights the importance of building a robust network and obtaining feedback from fellow entrepreneurs to refine fundraising pitches. Visit 7BC Venture Capital at, LinkedIn, and on Twitter.
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Direct download: riverside_andrew__hall_-_take_02___nov_14_2024_001_andrew_romans_of_7b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 14 November 2024
Web3 CEO Skills Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web3 brings new challenges to the startup leadership. Here are some key skills a Web3 CEO should have: In addition to basic leadership skills, the CEO will need a strong grasp of financial terms. In particular, the CEO will need to understand tokenomics as it sits at the heart of a Web3 company. Marketing is another key skill for the CEO. Community building is the primary tool for growing the business. The CEO must be able to position and promote the company to find new participants including customers, investors, and partners. Hiring is a key skill as well. The CEO must be able to identify the right candidates and bring them up to speed quickly in the business. Technical skills are also important. A significant portion of the company’s business will be tied to smart contracts which are written in computer code. The CEO needs to be able to read and understand smart contracts in code form. Finally, systems thinking. The CEO must be able to build systems as a great portion of the Web3 world is automated.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 13 November 2024
Web3 Business Models Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web3 brings new business models. Here are some key business models to consider: Native assets -- the value of the coin or token is valuable in and of itself. An example is Bitcoin in which the coin itself has value and as the community grows, the value increases. Infrastructure for native assets -- there’s value in building the exchanges, wallets, and custody solutions for holders of native assets who want to buy, store, and sell their tokens or coins. Payment tokens -- the holders of tokens will want to buy and sell their tokens with others. This requires exchanges and platforms that create a marketplace for those transactions. Token as a security -- the token represents the equity ownership of an entity that generates revenue or other value. Transaction fees for token activity -- similar to most fintech models, the user receives a transaction fee for buying and selling tokens. Network services -- those providing services around token management such as custody, security, and recovery would receive compensation. Yield farming -- those who hold tokens can lend their assets to others who pay an interest rate for it. Consider these business models for your Web 3 application.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 12 November 2024
Go to Market Strategies in Web3 Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In the Web2 world go-to-market strategies focused on free products and services. In the Web3 world, go to market strategies focus on tokens. Tokens incentivize the early users by compensating them for their work. In addition to users, developers, investors, and others can participate as well. The use of tokens allows a company to launch without a product. It puts the community and their mission at the center rather than the product and what it does for the customer. Some Web3 communities called DAOs focus on building the underlying protocol that ties the community together. Since revenue is not yet in the picture for many DAOs, they focus on TVL or Total Value Locked which measures the value of all assets associated with the protocol. Other metrics include number of token holders, community engagement, and developer output. Instead of offering free products the Web3 offers free tokens called airdrops. This gives potential community members something of value at no cost such as the ability to vote on the direction of the DAO. Communities can incentivize developers with bug bounties and quality testing. Web3 brings new tools and structures to the startup world to speed the launch and growth of the business.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 11 November 2024
Reputation, Credentials, and Identity in Web3 Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Reputation, credentials and identity are new use cases brought about by Web3. Since there are no longer gatekeepers to check credentials and identity, there must be some way to manage this online. There are several types of reputation. Social reputation captures one’s value based on user-generated content. Through likes, shares, and retweets there’s a score for one’s reputation. Contribution reputation captures what one has done and gives it a score. Credentials represent the achievement of a certification based on accomplishing tasks or activities. The system captures this in the form of avatars and badges. An example of this is a customer loyalty program. Finally, there’s identity in which the system verifies one's identity. This requires a verification process to determine if you are who you say you are. This gives rise to the identity provider use case. Web3 removes the intermediaries and uses online software tools to capture one's reputation, credentials, and identity. This gives rise to new functions that must be done online.
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Direct download: 01.reputation_credentials_and_identity_in_web3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 8 November 2024
Treasury Function in Web3 Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web3 brings a new function the startup must manage: the treasury. The treasury function exists in the Web2 world but typically has no impact until later in the life of the startup. For the Web3 company, the treasury has an important role from day one. The Web3 world introduces the concept of the token which provides value to the members of the startup. Those holding tokens have the option of converting those tokens into dollars. The treasury must be able to handle the conversion to fiat currency. There are also tax implications with tokens. Using tokens as incentives for sales and other activities triggers taxable events. Tokens can fluctuate in price dramatically. As tokens rise, it increases in value to the holder. As tokens fall, it decreases. Taxable events must be paid regardless of the current value of the token. Tokens bring a new level of complexity to the startup which must be managed early on. Consider how to handle the treasury function for your startup.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 8 November 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Mike Partsch, Chief Venture Officer at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). Located in Madison, Wisconsin, WARF serves as the designated tech transfer office for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For nearly a century, WARF has played a crucial role in advancing groundbreaking discoveries from the university's research labs to commercial markets. They manage the intellectual property generated by university researchers, license it to various industries, and allocate royalties back to the university to support ongoing research and innovation. With a strong commitment to fostering a collaborative ecosystem, WARF has successfully partnered with numerous startups, driving impactful advancements across various sectors. Mike Partsch is a seasoned professional with a rich background in venture capital and entrepreneurship. Having spent years honing his skills in the startup landscape, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to WARF’s investment strategy. Mike’s journey led him to work closely with the university’s entrepreneurial community, identifying promising technologies ready for commercialization. His insights into building a robust portfolio of startups around health, wellness, and technology have positioned WARF as a leader in the field, particularly in the health care sector. In this episode, Mike discusses the mission of WARF Ventures and its unique approach to investing in startups that stem from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He shares how WARF's structure as a separate nonprofit organization allows for a more agile and focused investment strategy, enabling them to support early-stage companies effectively. Mike also highlights the importance of collaboration with entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to ensure that innovations can thrive and address significant challenges within the healthcare landscape. He emphasizes WARF’s commitment to wellness and preventative care, aiming to shift the conversation away from reactive healthcare solutions. Visit WARF at, LinkedIn here: Reach out to Mike Partsch at Linkedin here: You can also contact him via email at
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: riverside_mike__hall___oct_29_2024_001_mike_partsch_of_warf.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 7 November 2024
Difference Between Web2 and Web3 Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are several differences between Web2 and Web3. Web2 centralizes the control of information kept by gatekeepers while Web3 decentralizes control and removes the gatekeeper. Web2 requires one to give their content and information to another entity, while Web3 lets the user maintain control of their content and information. Web2 focuses on reading and writing content while Web3 focuses on creating content. Web2 uses fiat currency such as the US dollar while Web3 uses cryptocurrency such as tokens. Web2 uses JavaScript and HTML while Web3 uses open source blockchain technology. Web2 stores data on centralized servers, while Web3 stores data in a distributed manner across the internet. Web2 gave users access to the system through logins and passwords. Web3 gives users access to the network through their own online wallets. Web2 provides basic content while Web3 provides the semantic web using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Web2 provides basic application to application communication while Web3 provides composability or the ability for one application to call another application. Web3 continues to grow and evolve and holds the promise of creating a more democratic internet available to all.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 6 November 2024
Composability Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web 3 brings software composability to a new level. Composability is the ability to select and combine components to meet specific requirements. An example is the smart contract on the blockchain. Any smart contract can call any other smart contract to execute it. Web 3 uses open source components to build systems. This allows the developer to use the tools and systems of others without having to reinvent them. Some level of standardization must be applied to ensure the compatibility and reuse of modules and components. This enables access to multiple applications and systems. For example, one can cast a vote on a DAO, which triggers a token award and then deposits that token into a yield farming system to earn additional money. Composability is the next generation of application software as it connects across company boundaries. As we digitize more things to represent on the internet, the greater the opportunity for composability. For example, an art object can be captured on the web as an NFT. This NFT can now be used as part of a composable system. Composability has been around for a long time and as Web3 brings new physical components online, the ability to combine each component into a new system is endless.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 5 November 2024
Benefits of Web3 Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The next generation of the web, called Web3 seeks to decentralize the internet and give control back to the users. This brings several benefits to content creators using the internet. Here are some examples: The current web lets anyone copy anything and share it with others. This provides no compensation for the creators. Web3 through NFT or non-fungible tokens prevents copying and distributing content and installs a payment mechanism for their work. Web2 used the advertising model almost exclusively. Web3 will enable other business models and will allow content creators to capture more of their share of the revenue. New payment mechanisms will let content creators raise investment funding for their work rather than donations. This provides a greater revenue opportunity for the content creator. Tokenization lets every creator earn a share of the revenue unlike current ad models that reward only the most popular. Finally, Web3 gives the user control of their data and content rather than the platform. Content creators can move to other platforms and take their data with them. This gives them the power to negotiate better terms and greater revenues.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 4 November 2024
Web3 Innovations Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Web 3 brings new innovations to the internet. Here are some key innovations: Web 3 uses blockchain technology which captures permanently all transactions and list of ownership available for all to access. Web 2 had siloed records based on the platform or the company and only a limited number were able to access it. This standalone record provides portability. One's content, data, and identity are always accessible. Web 3 provides a secondary monetary system called tokens which compensates users of the platform for their contributions. This provides incentives to those building the system. Web 3 brings increased interconnectivity of systems. Web 2 systems had limited data exchange while Web 3 takes data and application exchange to the next level. Web 3 reimagines the company as a group of people with a common cause rather than just a legal entity. One can build a community using software to manage and execute the policies of the group. Web 3 brings new innovations to software, entity formation, and connectivity.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 1 November 2024
What Is Web3? Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The current internet is controlled by a few players with concentrated power over the users. The next generation of the web, called Web3 seeks to decentralize the internet and give control back to the users. Web3 promises to give creators a larger share of the revenue from their work. It also promises to give users control back over their own data and content. Web3 uses blockchain technology which enables decentralized control and removes the gatekeepers. The current web lacks a layer for handling payment transactions. Cryptocurrencies provide technical solutions to enable Web3 by providing tokens to incentivize users and compensate those who work on it. Web3 brings a new approach to software that takes it to the next level. It brings composability which lets one build new capabilities on existing software modules. This speeds up the software development and increases the capabilities of the system as well. Web3 also defines the interface between systems to enhance the exchange of data and interconnections among companies. Web3 is the next generation of software.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 1 November 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Matt Duomo, CEO and AI Strategy Expert at Fifth Advantage. Located in Austin, Texas, Fifth Advantage helps businesses become future-ready by leveraging AI and digital technologies to drive growth and efficiency. This innovative company is renowned for its "anti-consulting" approach, which focuses on delivering fast, actionable results that empower clients to thrive autonomously. With a team of experts known as the "Avengers of AI," Fifth Advantage emphasizes the collaboration and adaptation necessary for companies to navigate the rapidly evolving technological landscape and successfully implement AI strategies. Matt Duomo has a rich background in technology, having worked with industry giants like Microsoft and Amazon. As a founding general manager of Amazon Web Services’ database division, he played a crucial role in developing products like Microsoft Dynamics and the speech infrastructure that became Cortana. Matt has a wealth of experience in leading projects to successful exits, including companies that achieved a combined $1.6 billion in exits. At Fifth Advantage, he is driven by a desire to provide guidance and support to businesses embracing AI during the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, aiming to empower organizations for autonomous growth and success. In this episode, Matt shares his insights on the importance of understanding AI demands within businesses and how to deliver growth in a matter of weeks. He discusses the evolving landscape for family offices to invest in AI and the need for practical, value-based investments. Matt emphasizes a collaborative approach to working with clients, ensuring that they can navigate challenges and embrace opportunities in AI. Matt delves into how both Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have influenced his views on innovation and AI. He explains the necessity of working backward from the customer needs and setting realistic goals to ensure AI projects succeed. The conversation also covers how family offices are uniquely positioned to invest in AI, especially during a time when traditional venture capital models are changing. He underscores the importance of creating value, enhancing employee experiences, and leveraging AI as a tool for efficiency and innovation in business. Visit Fifth Advantage at, LinkedIn, and on Twitter.
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Direct download: riverside_mat__hall___oct_29_2024_001_matt_domo_of_fifthv.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 31 October 2024
How To Write a DAO Constitution Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In setting up a DAO it’s important to write a constitution defining the governance and establishing the rules. Here are some key steps in writing a constitution for your DAO: Start with the vision of the DAO by stating its mission and values. Describe the governance structure including roles and responsibilities. Define the guidelines for the members including rewards for adding value and penalties for causing harm with mechanisms for enforcement. Include rules for protecting the members, the treasury, and other key assets and stakeholders. Invite input from the members to review and comment on the draft. Add new rules as the need arises. Set up a process for updating the rules. There are many other DAO constitutions available. Review and consider what can be drawn from them. All of this must work within the software framework for running the DAO. Consider these steps in setting up your DAO.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 30 October 2024
Delegated Voting in DAOs Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs bring many benefits to online communities such as member control over the direction of the DAO. One of the challenges with current DAOs is member voting. Just as voters in political elections are susceptible to apathy and lack of engagement so members of DAOs suffer the same challenges. Voter participation is a problem. One solution is the delegated voter in which the members give their proxy to another to vote on their behalf. Delegated voters can solve the time problem in that not every member has the time to follow each issue. The political system uses delegated voters in which the citizens elect someone to vote on their behalf for each issue. There are challenges with delegated voters. Once someone becomes a delegated voter it’s difficult to remove them. Potential solutions are term limits. Each delegate can serve only for a limited time period. Another is limiting the number of votes a delegate can control. This reduces the chance of concentration of power in too few hands. Finally, there’s bribery in which members give their tokens to delegates in return for support for the member’s initiatives. Consider these issues in setting up delegated voters.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 29 October 2024
VC Usage of DAOs Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs bring many benefits to the startup fundraise. These include a community focused on supporting a common cause. And software to track the results and execute the policies of the group. Venture capital will find both aspects appealing for startup fundraising. Since the regulatory laws behind DAOs are not yet defined in the US, it is difficult to use a DAO directly for raising and deploying funds. Other tools such as Special Purpose Vehicles or SPVs can be used. DAOs can be used to support a fundraise such as harnessing the community to invest in the startup. Since investors fund causes they support, the DAO is an ideal tool for raising funds. The software tools based on blockchain technology can also be used to track the community’s interest and actual engagement in a fundraise. Smart contracts for fundraising can also be reused by the VC industry to raise and deploy funds into startups. There are several DAOs that track the newly formed DAOs. This makes it possible to identify the appropriate communities to pursue for startup fundraising. DAOs provide not only potential investors but also software to track the community of investors and smart contracts to execute the fundraise.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 28 October 2024
Fundraising With DAOs Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs bring a new level of community engagement to startup fundraising. The community within the DAO can support the startup not only with investment dollars but also by promoting and supporting the startup. Here are some key issues with using DAOs for your startup. The DAO in most cases is not a legal entity but rather an unincorporated partnership. This means the members of the DAO are personally liable for any damages the DAO may cause. DAOs use a network of people to constitute the DAO rather than a formal hierarchy of leadership. This means there’s no one person to go to for a decision. All decisions are made by community votes. A startup fundraising campaign must be able to engage the community as a whole. Most DAOs transact with their native token. This means the value is not tied to a fiat currency such as the dollar and can swing in value drastically. To fund a startup there needs to be a mechanism for moving the tokens into dollars for the startup to deploy for hard costs such as paying taxes. Charitable organizations raising funding must also consider that distributing tokens for donations may not qualify as a charitable contribution. Consider these issues with fundraising through a DAO.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 25 October 2024
DAOs Bring a New MVP Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations are communities with a purpose using software platforms to coordinate and execute the policies of its members. Startups traditionally bring an MVP or Minimum Viable Product to the market to test interest and demonstrate they can build and deliver a solution. In the Web3 world, the startup is part of a community and must test interest with that group. This shifts the focus of building something that someone wants to building something that a particular group of people want. DAOs bring a community together for a common purpose. Their requirements are more specific and in some cases more demanding. Those within DAOs are more collaborative and supportive and can be not only users but also investors and potential employees. This creates a new dynamic in building an MVP. It must not only solve the problem but also appeal to the people who have a stake in a cause and want to see it grow and develop. The MVP in a DAO must be more compelling and aligned with the interests of the group. The connection among members of a DAO provides more information and feedback than traditional communities. Consider what your MVP must achieve to be successful in a DAO.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 25 October 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Mario Vasquez, Founder and CEO at Vest Social. Located in Georgetown, Texas, Vest Social is a newly launched platform aimed at connecting individuals and businesses in the construction industry. The company addresses the significant challenge many face in hiring skilled labor by leveraging technology to create a user-friendly environment where contractors and job seekers can find each other easily. With the app recently launched, the focus is on building a strong user base and refining the platform's offerings to better meet the needs of the construction sector. Mario has dedicated his career to the construction industry, and his extensive experience led him to identify the growing need for a dedicated hiring platform in this field. With a background in tech and construction, he saw firsthand the difficulties in recruitment and decided to create a solution that not only simplifies the hiring process but also caters specifically to the construction trades. Over the past year, he has assembled a talented team to develop and launch Vest Social, showcasing his commitment to innovation in the industry. In this episode, Mario discusses the initial launch of Vest Social, the challenges of building a user base, and the strategic decisions made regarding marketing and funding. He shares insights into the importance of targeted regional marketing within Texas, highlighting his desire to create a community where tradespeople can connect effectively and efficiently.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: HTRF_EP_30_-_How_to_find_anchor_clients.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 24 October 2024
DAO Use Cases Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations are communities with a purpose using software platforms to coordinate and execute the policies of the members. Here are some key uses cases: Form a charitable group to pursue nature conservancy. Create a political action group to pursue a political agenda. Set up an education initiative to foster new learning. Build a services firm such as legal support to carry out legal activities on the blockchain. Gather a group of people to bid on an historic artifact. Support those who are victims of war and plague. Set up a lending fund and use the DAO to disburse and collect the funds. Use a DAO to raise funding for a community of startups. Employ a DAO to buy a piece of artwork. Create a DAO to specify, build, and offer a software platform for various uses. Use a DAO to set up a fund to disburse grants to projects in a sector. Create a DAO as a membership organization for reputation purposes. Setup a DAO to keep track of all the other DAOs as directory resources. Join a DAO that supports an influencer and helps promote their values. DAOs can be used for many purposes including social, governance, political and economic.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 23 October 2024
The Challenge With DAOs Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations are communities with funding resources. A DAO is a network of people coming together to pursue a joint cause. It’s easy to start a DAO by creating a mission statement, setting up a software platform, and inviting people to join. Then offer tokens to incentivize users to further the mission. Now comes the hard part -- growing the community. Here are some key challenges: Growing the DAO with new members who believe in the cause. Building out the community with processes and policies. Setting up accountability to ensure the members adhere to those policies. Identifying strategies to incentivize the members to continue working on it. Similar to any community interest wanes over time. As the DAO grows it’s important to set up bots and other software tools to manage the community. Despite the use of software to execute the policies, member engagement remains the key challenge. In setting up your DAO consider how to maintain interest and engagement with the members.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Tue, 22 October 2024
Benefits of DAOs for Fundraising Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations can be used for startup fundraising. Traditional ICO fundraises were susceptible to scams as they were controlled by a small number of people who made decisions on their own. DAOs bring many benefits to fundraising as follows: DAOs are controlled by all the members and not just a handful of people. All funds are stored with the DAO. DAOs deploy the funds based on the votes of its members. This removes the scams that were prevalent with ICOs. The members can choose to continue funding a startup project or not. This motivates the startup team to achieve their promised milestones. DAOs bring additional benefits such as transparency as all transactions are stored on the blockchain and made accessible to the members. DAOs make the project available to fund by everyone as anyone can join as a member. DAOs can also bring a network of suppliers, vendors, customers, and other stakeholders to support the startup. DAOs provide a major improvement to the startup fundraising process over traditional fundraising models. Consider using a DAO for your next fundraise.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 21 October 2024
Liabilities in Setting Up a DAO Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations bring people together to pursue a common goal. Here are some liabilities in setting up a DAO: Traditional companies use a corporate hierarchy for defining the company and making decisions. Decisions are made by the leadership and people within the organization execute those decisions. DAOs are network organizations that use software code in the form of smart contracts to execute decisions and track the results on the blockchain. DAOs use a voting mechanism with its members to make decisions and determine policies. Traditional corporations limit the liability of its leadership and employees. DAOs are unincorporated partnerships that provide no such protection. In most DAOs, the members are anonymous which complicates KYC/AML requirements for financial institutions. DAOs should consider registering as a legal entity to gain such protection. Each state treats DAOs differently as unincorporated entities. Look for a state or country offering recognition of DAOs as an entity to register your DAO
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 18 October 2024
How To Setup a DAO Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations bring people together to pursue a common goal. Here are the steps to set up a DAO: Create the DAO from an existing platform that provides DAO structures. Choose a template that best fits the function of the DAO such as membership, company, or fundraising. Set a name for the DAO. Configure the template for your DAO. Adjust the settings for the performance. Launch the DAO. Attach a wallet for managing funds and transfers. You can either attach directly to a network such as Ethereum or set up a testbed. Invite others to join the DAO and contribute to the cause. DAOs give everyone the opportunity to vote on the direction and policies of the group. DAOs range from small-group initiatives to large-scale movements. Start with a small group and test out your idea before setting it up for scaling into a large network.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 18 October 2024
On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Gabe, CEO of Gunter Medical. Located in Houston, Texas, Gunter Medical is focused on developing innovative medical devices aimed at improving surgical outcomes. Their flagship technology aims to enhance surgical precision while reducing recovery times for patients. Gunter Medical has made significant strides in its development, exploring partnerships and seeking funding to bring its transformative product to market. The company operates with a strong team, leveraging experience in medicine and entrepreneurship to navigate the complexities of the healthcare landscape effectively. Gabe is a seasoned entrepreneur and medical professional with extensive experience in the healthcare sector. With a background in surgery and medical device development, Gabe has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by both healthcare providers and patients. Before founding Gunter Medical, he worked with various startups, applying his practical knowledge to innovate and improve surgical technology. His leadership and vision for Gunter Medical have positioned the company to address pressing needs in surgical care, aiming for significant impact across the healthcare industry. In this episode, Gabe discusses Gunter Medical's unique pricing strategy, its capital and disposable components for the medical device, and how the company approaches hospital procurement. He highlights the importance of securing a strong physician champion to facilitate the sales process within healthcare institutions. Additionally, Gabe shares insights into the company’s pre-sale efforts and their plan for FDA submission through a 510(k) pathway, as well as their commitment to supporting surgeons and addressing pain points in surgical procedures.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: HTRF_EP_29_-_how_to_adjust_your_pricing_for_Hospitals_varying_requirements.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 17 October 2024
Forming Capital With DAOs Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations align a group of people toward a common goal. Forming capital is often part of the process of achieving that goal. Here are some key points in forming capital with your DAO: The DAO should coordinate the members of the community and help achieve their goals. The members should control the code and not the developers. There needs to be tokens distributed for work performed in addition to capital invested. A fundraiser for a DAO must include the amount to be raised, the tokens to be offered, and the rights those tokens bring to investors. Determine in advance what type of tokens will be used such as stablecoins or your own coin. Stablecoins remove the risk that comes from your own coin. The cap table is formed when the funds are raised and the tokens are distributed. Once the funds are raised they must be allocated between the treasury, yield farming and operations. Raising for a DAO is no different than raising for a startup. First, access your network. Second, draw the circle wider and access those related to your network. Use the success of the first raise to fuel the second.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Wed, 16 October 2024
DAOs As the Next-Generation Crowdfunding Platform Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAO stands for Distributed Autonomous Organizations. DAOs hold the promise as the next generation of crowdfunding platforms. Crowdfunding lets anyone raise funding from anyone else through online means. Here are some key benefits of using DAOs for crowdfunding. The blockchain provides access to anyone to post and raise funding. It removes any censorship or gatekeeping. DAOs provide the promise of building bigger, more complex networks for fundraising. Current platforms are general platforms in most cases with no incentives for the members to fund startups. DAOs can provide incentives to those who fund startups of their members. By providing tokens, the startup can give additional benefits such as the use of the product, access to the team, or additional compensation for helping the startup. The startup can find additional support through the DAO by accessing the members to buy their product/service, providing support, or enabling the growth of the startup. It’s the network the DAO brings to the startup that makes DAOs superior to current crowdfunding platforms. The regulatory aspect of selling ownership stakes into an entity must still be worked out. Just as it took several years for crowdfunding to gain regulatory approval with clearly defined rules, DAOs must undergo the same process with the SEC. Consider using a DAO for your fundraising.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: 03.daos_as_the_next_generation_crowdfunding_platform.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Tue, 15 October 2024
DAOs Are Like Gaming Communities Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations are like gaming communities. A gaming community forms around a mission or challenge. There’s a software platform that brings the participants together. There are rules about how the game is played. Those who play well receive rewards for their participation such as avatars which is a form of recognition or tokens which is a form of compensation. The software platform prescribes the rules in advance and uses software to execute those rules automatically. DAOs take the gaming concept and apply it to any group with a mission or purpose. Any group of participants who want to pursue a common goal can create a DAO. They can engage on the software platform to further the proposed goal. DAOs are decentralized in that there’s no one person or group that controls everything. DAOs are autonomous in that they use software platforms to encode the rules of the engagement without gatekeepers or intermediaries. Participants can vote on how the DAO grows and evolves over time. DAOs can be applied to social, political, or business objectives. The lessons learned from building gaming communities apply to those building DAO communities. Consider using a DAO to engage others to achieve a goal.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Mon, 14 October 2024
Background of DAOs Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAOs or Distributed Autonomous Organizations define the rules for coordinating a group of people in pursuit of a common goal. Consider a group of people coming together with the goal of reducing pollution in their local area. A DAO focuses and coordinates their efforts. It provides a governance framework for how decisions will be made and by whom. Software is used to track the rules, the members, and their contributions. This provides transparency to all the members about who did what and why they received compensation. The results are posted on a blockchain which keeps track of all activities, decisions, and results. The rules are encoded into the form of Smart Contracts which respond to the actions of the members. In our example, if a member picks up trash in the local area, then they receive tokens which are digital assets that give the member rights, access, or an asset of value. If the members want more activities such as picking up trash they can vote to provide more tokens to those who do so. All members have access to the data as to what each member did and how many tokens they received. DAOs are a good way to coordinate a group effort and compensate them fairly for their work.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |
Fri, 11 October 2024
What Are DAOs For? Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. DAO stands for Distributed Autonomous Organizations. DAOs facilitate people's coordination toward a common goal. DAOs give collective ownership to the members including decision making. A DAO uses Web3 software to provide the coordination, voting, and governance rights of the members. DAOs can be used for many types of goals including social, economic, and political. Here are some example use cases: A DAO can be used as a legal entity instead of an LLC or C-Corporation. A DAO can provide compliance for meeting certain requirements such as environmental standards. A DAO can be used to launch a social initiative to raise people out of poverty. A DAO can be used to create an artistic movement and propagate the creative output of its members. A DAO can be used to create a political action committee to further a group’s political agenda. There are many more use cases for DAOs. Consider using a DAO for your next project.
Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding. _______________________________________________________ For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound. |