Investor Connect Podcast

In this episode of the Angel Connect podcast show, Hall Martin  interviews Keith Larson of the TiE Rocky chapter. The discussion

deals with the TiE growth in Colorado, as well as Mr. Larson's experience in networking and mentoring or education.

For a summary of Mr. Larson's biography,select this link for the pdf bio document:

link link link.pdf

In addition, Mr. Larson is also the author of the book titled The Exceptional Manager [amazon link], which is available at book resources

locations like


Full story here

Direct download: Keith_Larson_interview_at_TiECon_2014a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm CST

AngelConnect is a podcast series of interviews with investors that is provided to inform angel investors about the process of funding startups. In this program, experienced investors share their experiences and advice to those who are considering an investment into startups and growth companies. AngelConnect is a community program. We welcome your suggestions for speakers and topics which you can send to us through the Contact Us page on this site. No registration is required.

Direct download: 00-_Welcome_to_Angel_Connect1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am CST

Mr. Larson has over 30 years of experience in senior leadership roles.  He has well-rounded experience inSales, Finance, Operations, and Human Resources. Since 2006, Keith has been the president of SKiLBusiness Advisors where he has helped companies increase sales and improve profitability. In addition,he has coached several startups and early stage companies to success. Mr. Larson has excellent people &analytical skills, and is a leader with exceptional problem-solving ability.

Prior to joining SKiL, he was the President of Sales & Marketing at a $2 billion firm, a CFO for an $800million division, and President of a $200 million division. With a proven track record of achievingoutstanding results, Mr. Larson has experience in identifying company issues and determining solutionsfor superior performance. He has a strong ability to analyze, interpret and communicate problems,solutions and future direction.

In addition, he has developed the strategy and then implemented the acquisition of five companiesincluding the American Express $85 million per year print center. He has held positions with Procter &Gamble, DuPont, Gruner & Jahr, and Cenveo prior to SKiL. Mr. Larson holds an undergraduate degree inIndustrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin and a graduate degree in Industrial Engineeringfrom Iowa State University. He graduated with honors from both universities. He has an Executive MBAfrom IMI in Geneva, Switzerland. He was a sergeant in the US Air Force as an electrician. Keith is also
the author of the book “The Exceptional Manager” which is sold on and Barnes &
Direct download: f_18915991065.
Category:general -- posted at: 9:04am CST