Investor Connect Podcast

Hall is joined by Michael Berolzheimer of Bee Partners. Bee Partners was founded in 2008 by Michael, a Haas MBA with undergraduate degrees in business and computer science. A youthful angel investment in Bear Naked Granola led the way to venture. Michael speaks about how he got into early stage investing. He started in New York, with both investment banking and private equity. He made his first angel investment in 2004 and has not looked back. He now invests across fifty four separate companies. Michael also speaks about how his company came to be called Bee Partners as well as what they look for in a startup when investing. Hall and Michael also speak about what exactly Bee Partners wants the company to accomplish before going to Bee Partners. In this episode, you’ll also learn Michaels unique investment thesis. He believes pre seed is an outstanding place to generate excess return. Michael also shares what companies he has dealt with that fit his thesis.

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