Investor Connect Podcast

Identifying Competitors Through Market Research

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In researching a market segment for launching a startup, identifying competitors is a key component of the work.

Competitors tell you a great deal about the customers, challenges, and composition of the market.

To find the competitors approach the market as a prospective customer and search for solutions online.

This includes searching both the web and social media for a solution to one of the problems you’ve identified in the market.

Capture the results in a competitor map.

In reviewing competitors look for their positioning in the market. 

Are they trying to be a differentiated solution or the lowest cost?

This will help define the careabouts of the market.

Map out the value chain of the market and notice where customers and competitors sit.

In a value chain, there are often multiple customers one could pursue. 

Look where the competitors are clustered and where they are not.

Check the competition's business model by how they make money.

Examine the amount of money each type of customer has to spend.

Compare the competitor map with the value chain map to see where opportunities may lie.

Look for open spaces that no competitors are directly targeting.  

Capture the results in a value chain and competitor map.


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Questions To Use in Market Research

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In researching a market use these questions to find out more:

Who are these people in the market?

Where can you find them?

What are their challenges?

What do they aspire to achieve?

What do they read?

What do they buy?

Who are their thought leaders?

Use these questions to find out more about their customers:

What dollar level do they deal in?

How do you reach them as customers?

How do the transactions flow?

Would you like them as your customers?

What do the customers complain about?

Use these questions to find out more about their competitors:

Who are the primary competitors?

What do they offer and what is their value proposition?

Use these questions to map out a potential solution for your target market.


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How To Perform Secondary Research

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Secondary research provides additional information about a market.

Typically the information is free and accessible online. 

This includes web searches, market reports, and industry news.

This research is easier to perform since you don’t have to reach out to people for interviews or surveys.

It helps define overarching trends which may not be clear from customer interviews.

It can inform your market research plan and help define what primary research may be needed.

Here are some key steps to perform secondary research:

Start with online searches using keywords around your product, industry, or problem to be solved.

Capture key documents available such as market reports, industry studies, and articles discussing the problem.

Build a list of competitors and research each one to learn more about their offering.

Capture the results into a competitor map.

Compare the information from multiple sources to gain a better understanding of the space.

Analyze the data and draw conclusions from it such as current challenges the customer faces, and trends showing where the industry is headed.

Make sure to verify the sources of the secondary data.


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How To Research a Market

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Market research provides many benefits including identifying your target market and your ideal customer.

Here are the steps to research your market:

Size the market by looking at it from three levels.

Total Available Market is the size of the market of everyone related to it.

Total Serviceable Market is the size of the market you intend to pursue with your startup.

Total Obtainable Market is the size of the market you can reach.

For example, you may want to only reach the US portion of the market. 

Review the competitors in the space for their product offerings.

Look at the price, feature sets, distribution channels, and leadership.

Note what channels competitors are using.

Research the available marketing channels and test to see what works for your startup.

Run trials and tests in each channel to check performance.

Identify keywords and phrases for SEO and conversion.

Test out various landing pages for signups.

Understand your target audience, in particular your ideal customer profile.

Find out what they care about, where they are located, what they read, and what channel reaches them.

Review social media to understand the topics, issues, and players in the industry.

Identify the industry leaders and their content profiles.

Gather the results of this research into one report to share with the team and investors.


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Types of Market Research

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are several types of market research one can use in studying a market segment.

Consider these types of research:

Primary research -- gathers information directly from the customer and industry-related contacts.

This can be useful in identifying key problems the customer is trying to solve.

It’s also helpful in identifying the ideal customer profile for a potential startup.

Secondary research -- gathers information by reviewing existing data on the subject.

This includes market reports, public data sets, industry trend reports and more.

Public data sets include the US census report, trade association reports, and private market research reports.

This helps size and segment the market.

Interviews -- first-hand encounters with customers in the market segment.

This can be useful in identifying the customer's workflow and how the problem impacts it.

Focus Groups -- a group of people in the target segment provide feedback on the current challenges. 

Usability research -- shows how the customer currently uses a product and their impressions of it. 

Observation research -- this research simply views the customer using the product.

This yields insight into what features are used and how the customer uses it.

Consider these types of market research for your startup.


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On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Chris Ball, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Hoxton Capital.
Based in Dubai, Hoxton Capital is a global wealth management firm specializing in expatriate financial planning. The firm has grown rapidly since its inception in 2018, now managing over $2.1 billion in assets with offices in London, Sydney, Texas, Dubai, and Larnaca. Hoxton offers digital tools like the Hoxton Wealth app to help clients manage their assets and plan for their financial futures.

Chris Ball started his career with KPMG in 2004 before moving to the UAE in 2011. He co-founded Hoxton Capital in 2018, leading the company to significant growth by focusing on tailored, tech-driven wealth management services for global clients.

In this episode, Chris discusses Hoxton’s growth, how they tailor services for diverse clients, and key trends in wealth management, including the impact of AI on the industry. 

Visit Hoxton Capital at
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Why Do Market Research

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Market research is a key step in preparing to launch a startup.

Here’s a list of reasons why it’s important to give it proper time and attention.

Quality market research will help you avoid spending time on startup ideas that have no significant market demand.

It will help you find product-market fit faster.

Quality research shows the changes in a market and what the market needs.

It shows what customers to pursue and how to promote the product.

Market research will help you find more investors.

After completing your market research, take the findings and build a slide deck showing the size, growth rates, and trends.

Reach out to potential investors and invite them to learn more about the market segment.

In general investors look for quality research and take the opportunity to learn more.

Tell the investor you are not raising funding now but only researching the market and you want to show them the results.

Present the information to the investor and indicate you are going to work on a startup in the space.

Offer to give them updates on the market.

There’s no ask to the investor so it’s easy to gain access to them.

When the time comes to raise funding, you’ll have a group of investors who are educated on your market segment.


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Closing the Raise Without a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are more startups than there are lead investors.

Not every fundable startup will find a lead investor.

Here’s how to close your round without one:

Start your fundraise with a convertible note.

Make sure there’s a market-relevant valuation cap on the note.

The convertible note is a debt instrument that converts to equity later.

The valuation cap sets the upper limit of the valuation upon conversion.

There are many investors who are not lead investors but rather follow on investors.

Show how the valuation and final terms will be set on the next round and invite investors to join the fundraise.

The investments into the convertible note will help fuel the growth of the startup which in turn can lead to more investors joining.

Be on the lookout for a lead investor.

Look for an investor that wants equity and will invest at least $100K into the business.

For those investor prospects, discuss with them about leading the round.

Even if there’s no lead, the startup can raise the entire fundraise amount to carry on the business. 

In the next round of funding continue in the same way.

Use convertible notes to fund the business till you find a lead investor. 


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Closing a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A lead investor is important for raising funding.

They negotiate the terms and valuation of the deal and bring other investors to join the round.

Here are some key steps in closing a lead investor for your fundraise.

Identify the right investor for your startup.

Look for one that fits your sector and stage.

Generate interest from other investors to show the lead investor there is support for your deal.

Introduce the proposed lead investor to these investors.

Gather all the diligence documents into one place so the process doesn’t turn into a paper chase.

Provide background information about comps in the market to show the range of valuations in the sector.

Design an initial set of terms and a proposed valuation to provide a starting point.

Offer additional incentives to the lead investor such as warrants for leading the round.

Offer a paid advisory board position to the lead investor  upon completion of the round to compensate for the work.

In short, reduce the workload and provide incentives to the lead investor.

Consider these steps in closing a lead investor for your round. 


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Characteristics of a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Startup founders are looking for lead investors. 

Good lead investors exhibit these characteristics:

They believe in the founder and they tell other investors why they should too.

They are not trying to take over the company but rather support the founder.

They are easy to work with which is important since they will be there to the exit.

They exhibit a strong sense of ethics.

They have a strong reputation in the startup space.

They show their experience in leading rounds.

They have a track record of successful investments.

They know the investor networks and have access to them.

They invest in other deals aside from the founders giving them diversification.

Look for these characteristics in a lead investor for your startup.


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How To Find a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Most investors do not lead the fundraise round but rather follow-on.

There’s a great deal of work and most investors are not signing up for it.

Some will express interest in investing after you have a lead investor.

Here are some steps to help find a lead investor for your fundraise:

Start with a convertible note for your fundraise.

Convertible notes bring investors into the deal without setting the valuation.

The founder can start picking up funding which helps fuel the growth of the business.

This validates the fundraise to the follow on investors.

Look at other startup fundraisers to see who led the round.  

Make contact with startups who raised from that lead investor and ask for a warm introduction.

Reach out to those who are known to lead investment rounds and show the fundraising traction already in place.

You may be able to attract a lead investor to lead your round. 

Another approach is to take two to three investors who are interested and gather them together into a group with a regularly scheduled meeting.

In the meeting they each share their questions and feedback.

Document the results of the meeting and share with the follow-on investors.

By gathering the three investors together you can create a lead investor group.

Once the lead investor group comes to agreement with the founder on valuation and the deal terms, you have a led deal.

Consider these steps in finding your lead investor.


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On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin has an engaging conversation with Paul, the founder of a pioneering AI-driven platform designed specifically for the restaurant industry. Paul shares his unique journey into tech after a promising career in professional hockey was derailed by an injury. His passion for innovation led him to create a comprehensive suite of solutions that enables restaurants to optimize operations using artificial intelligence. Together, they explore the fascinating landscape of the AI market today, especially within the context of hospitality—a sector that, as Paul describes, is ripe for technological disruption.

The discussion dives deep into the challenges faced by restaurant owners, particularly in managing marketing efforts and reducing operational costs. Paul explains how his platform alleviates these pain points by automating functions that have traditionally consumed excessive time and resources. With capabilities ranging from payroll management to real-time inventory tracking, he's built a system that not only simplifies restaurant management but also drives customer engagement and repeat business through intelligent, data-driven marketing strategies. Hall humorously notes the struggles of conventional restaurant marketing and the opportunity for Paul’s AI solution to drastically improve this crucial aspect of the business.

As they shift gears, Hall inquires about Paul’s recent fundraising efforts. Paul reveals that they raised $3.6 million in a friends-and-family round but quickly realized that more funding was necessary to achieve their goals. Currently, they’re in the midst of a seed round, having raised $1.7 million and looking to close the remaining $400,000 needed. The conversation reveals the importance of strategic investor relationships and how building a solid foundation of stakeholders can help propel startups to the next level. Hall’s insights into connecting with angel investors reflect his practical approach to securing needed funding.

Finally, the episode emphasizes the notion that having proprietary data can serve as an essential competitive moat in the AI landscape. Paul elaborates on the uniqueness of their data bundle, which combines various aspects of restaurant operations to generate actionable insights. Hall underscores the significance of integrating data for creating value and enhancing processes, ensuring that a startup like Paul’s can stand apart from competitors. The episode wraps up on this note of optimism and exciting potential in the AI-driven restaurant space, leaving listeners with a sense of the transformative impact technology can have on traditional industries.


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What Is the Value of a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The lead investor can be an important resource to a startup.

Here’s a list of values lead investors can bring to their fundraise:

They help increase the chance of success of the fundraise.

The presence of their leadership shows investors the startup has support.

They bring other investors into the fundraise.

Finding additional investors is the ongoing challenge.

Many investors will not invest without a lead investor.

The presence of a lead investor solves that problem.

The lead investor can help progress the fundraise process.

The lead investor typically invests 20% to 50% of the round which takes care of a sizable portion. 

The lead investor leads the diligence which is oftentimes the biggest hurdle in closing the round.

The lead investor manages the legal process in papering the deal.

The lead investor oftentimes forms an advisory board if there’s no formal board.

Finally, the lead investor negotiates the deal with the startup which is a time saver.


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Role of the Lead Investor After the Fundraise

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The lead investor has a role before, during and after the fundraise.

Here are some key activities for the lead investor after the fundraise.

Takes a board seat to help guide the company.

Often helps recruit the other board members.

Provides oversight for reporting and compliance.

This includes tax and regulatory filings as many startups haven’t done this before.

Helps prepare the company for the next round of funding.

This includes building the appropriate business results as well as lining up outside investors.

To raise follow-on funding the company will need to meet specific metrics and milestones.

This requires putting processes in place to achieve the goals.

As for outside investors, it’s best to engage them early in the process so they can track the progress of the company. 

The more the investors know about the company the easier it is to raise the funding when the time comes. 

Consider these activities as a lead investor.


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What Are Co-Lead Investors?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The lead investor typically takes up to half of the round in return for leading the diligence and setting the valuation.

When there is a great deal of work to be done and no single investor will take the lead then one can recruit a co-lead investor. 

A co-lead investor will join to help with the diligence.

In this case it’s best to build a lead investor team.

It’s important to divide the diligence tasks among the members so everyone does their share of the work.

Some consider the co-lead investor as lacking in interest or commitment.

But with the amount of work to be done, it’s not uncommon for investors to look for other ways to accomplish the work.

Startups can build lead investor teams to facilitate their funding round.

Founders can pull several investors together into one group to perform the diligence and share the results.

This often speeds up the funding process as investors look to others for feedback and experience.

Consider building a lead investor team on your next fundraise.


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Disadvantages to Being a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

While there are many advantages to being a lead investor there are also disadvantages.

Here’s a list of disadvantages to consider:

The lead investor must convince the other investors to agree on the proposed terms.

Not everyone will agree with the terms and the valuation set by the lead investor.

The result of the investment will be placed on the shoulders of the lead investor.

If the outcome is not a positive one, the lead investor will receive the blame.

There is a time commitment.

The role of the lead investor includes negotiating  the terms and valuation and recruiting other investors.

Closing the round will take considerable time as the other investors will go through their own diligence process.

Providing diligence to other investors often leads to investors not doing diligence.

Each investor is responsible for their own diligence result.

There’s an expectation that the lead investor will join the next round. 

By not joining it will put the startup in a difficult position.

Consider these disadvantages before assuming the lead investor role.


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Advantages to Being a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

While the lead investor has many responsibilities there are also advantages.

Here are some advantages to being a lead investor:

Gain a better understanding of the startup through diligence work.

Gain a position in the startup or on the board.

Better understand the performance of the startup over time.

Have more influence over the direction of the company.

Have more say in key decisions and strategy.

Can help the startup avoid major challenges and disasters based on poor decisions. 

Can protect the investment by helping negotiate the terms and provide follow-on oversight.

Can identify poor decisions and take steps to correct them.

Successful startup investments come from a strong team, proper mentorship, and sufficient funding. 

The lead investor is in a key position to provide these elements to the startup.

Consider leading a funding round.


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Attributes of a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The lead investor leads the process of negotiating the terms of a deal with a startup.

Here are some key attributes of a lead investor:

Has a strong interest in funding the startup.

Has previous experience with venture capital investing.

Is familiar with venture terms sheets and terminology.

Has experience with investors and early stage funding.

Understands the due diligence process and what needs to be done.

Understands the legal aspects of startup funding. 

Approaches the work to be done as a professional.

Has time available to engage in the diligence process as a lead investor.

Takes responsibility for the outcome of the process.

Can work well with others both on the startup side and investor side.

Has good communication and negotiation skills.

Can provide leadership through difficult situations.

The lead investor must be organized and efficient in their work. 

Consider these attributes for a lead investor for your fundraise.


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On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Rob Johnson, CEO at MotionAI Technologies. Located in San Francisco, California, MotionAI Technologies is pioneering the development of a Small Motion Model (SMM) that focuses on biomechanics using proprietary sensor data to train AI models. The company is specifically targeting the consumer fitness market with an innovative approach that incorporates wearable technology, such as wrist and finger sensors, to gather motion data and create actionable insights for fitness enthusiasts and professionals alike. With a patent in place and promising letters of intent from potential customers, MotionAI is laying the groundwork for a groundbreaking solution that could redefine how motion data is leveraged in fitness applications.

Rob has a robust background in AI systems and biomechanics, having collaborated with the University of Michigan Kinesiology Lab to validate the capabilities of his technology. With a hands-on approach, he has successfully bootstrapped the company to this point, raising $700k to date. Rob's vision is to create a sophisticated AI-driven model tailored to tracking human motion, which, with the right funding, can be developed into a market-ready product within a few months. His experience spans various domains, making him a knowledgeable leader in the tech space who understands the strategic necessity of securing investment and partnerships to advance the company's mission.

In this episode, Rob shares insights into his fundraising efforts, the unique technology behind MotionAI, and the importance of partnerships with corporate VCs in the fitness industry to propel the company forward. Visit MotionAI Technologies at, LinkedIn, and on Twitter. Reach out to Rob at and on Twitter.


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Responsibilities of a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The lead investor leads the diligence and negotiations with the startup.

Here’s a list of responsibilities of a lead investor:

Recruits investors to join the diligence team and divides up the work.

Engages in the process of diligence as well. 

Organizes meetings with investors and the startup team.

Keeps the investors informed of the progress of diligence and deal terms negotiations.

Brings in an attorney to paper the investment transaction.

Helps select the board of directors if a board will be formed.

Keeps the startup team informed of the investors concerns and care abouts.

Provides mentorship to the startup throughout the diligence process.

Negotiates the valuation and key terms of the deal such as liquidation preferences.

Helps find additional investors if needed.

Represents the interests of all the investors throughout the process.

A lead investor makes it easier for the startup by negotiating the terms directly rather than dealing with multiple investors.

Consider these responsibilities before taking on the role of a lead investor.


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What Is a Lead Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A lead investor is an individual or a group that leads the startup funding round by performing the diligence and setting the valuation.

The lead is an investor who represents the investors in the terms negotiations with the startup.

The lead is typically the first investor funding the startup.

The lead investor typically invests a substantial amount of the fundraise but not all of it.

The lead investor needs to have knowledge of the startup, the investors’ interests, and funding terms as well as deal structures. 

A lead investor has experience with funding startups and a track record in startup investing.

The lead investor will need to dedicate substantial time to the process of negotiating the terms and conditions of the deal.

A lead investor often knows other investors who are interested in joining the round.

The lead investor has access to legal resources for papering the deal.

The lead investor lends credibility to the fundraise through their reputation.

The lead investor is someone other investors trust.

Startups seek lead investors who can help negotiate and set the valuation for the investment such that other investors will join the round.


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Managing the Grant

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

After winning the grant, the work begins.

The research must be carried out and the grant providers must be kept informed.

Here are some key points to consider in how to manage your grant.

Review the rules of the granting program and set up a plan to comply.

Check the grant plan to ensure that all requirements are being met.

Maintain a calendar of key dates including meetings, reports due, and audit deadlines.

Keep track of all financial invoices, receipts, and contracts in one place.

Match each expenditure with the use of the funds.

Ensure proper financial management over the funds with backups and security.

Track all relevant documents from the grant proposal and ongoing research performed.

Setup a budget for the use of funds and check monthly to ensure everything is on track.

Gain permission to change the proposal from the granting program before making the changes.

If there are partners in the grant then set up a meeting to build the calendar with meeting schedules, report deadlines, and how to maintain communication throughout the process.

Announce the grant to the public.


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Best Practices for Writing a Grant Proposal

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The grant proposal will be read by many people of varying background and technical skill.

Here’s a list of best practices for writing a grant proposal.

Make sure your proposal aligns with the goals and objectives of the granting organization.

Establish context by writing an introduction that establishes the basic problem to be solved and the current solutions.

Educate on the key care abouts and challenges in the space.

Separate your goals - what you plan to accomplish, from your hypothesis -- what you believe to be true, and theories -- which are a system of ideas intended to explain something.

Define a core fundamental goal and build the proposal around it.

Stay focused on the goal and avoid complicated arguments that distract.

Define your goals and develop a set of hypotheses to prove out.

Show why you want to pursue these goals and how the outcome is important.

Make sure the underlying research is solid and feasible.

In writing the proposal state the problem and goal up front so it’s clear.

Less is more.  The more you can focus on a clearly defined problem, the more realistic your proposal becomes. 


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On this episode of Investor Connect, we wrap up our three-part series on the evolving funding landscape for MedTech companies with a rich and insightful discussion featuring a distinguished panel of guests, including Paul Janeski, angel investor and Board Member at Koretsu Forum, along with other industry experts. In this final installment, our guests dive deep into the critical aspects of MedTech investing, building on the foundational concepts explored in Parts 1 and 2. The discussion highlights the role of Koretsu Forum, known for its global reach and collaborative approach, which empowers investors like Paul and others on the panel to negotiate better terms and secure more favorable investment opportunities through collective expertise.

Throughout this episode, our panelists reflect on the themes discussed in the previous segments, where we explored the inspiration behind focusing on life sciences and medical device technologies and the importance of forming strategic partnerships to navigate the complex regulatory landscape. Each guest offers unique perspectives on the necessity of thorough preparation, not only in commercialization strategies but also in understanding the intricate details of the MedTech sector. The conversation emphasizes aligning with investor expectations, protecting investments, and the critical role that investment groups play in providing the collective strength needed to succeed in high-stakes deals.

As we conclude this series, the conversation turns to the future of MedTech investing, particularly the impact of innovative commercialization strategies and the evolving role of AI and emerging technologies. The insights shared by our panel provide a valuable roadmap for both investors and entrepreneurs, underscoring the importance of strategic planning and robust partnerships in achieving long-term success in the MedTech landscape. Visit Koretsu Forum at to learn more, and connect with our guests on LinkedIn: Paul Janeski at and others.


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How To Write a Compelling Abstract

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In applying for a grant, it’s important to include a compelling abstract.

Not everyone involved will read the entire grant proposal but most everyone will read the abstract.

Here are some key steps in writing an abstract:

State clearly what you plan to do.

Include why this is important.

Show what you have already done.

Propose how you plan to carry out the work.

State your hypothesis and how you plan to prove it.

In writing the abstract it helps to start with what you want to achieve and then fill out the supporting science, and the steps you will take.

In the abstract describe not only what you want to accomplish but how you will do so.

Abstracts come with word limits so it’s important to wordsmith and polish it so it becomes concise.

Write out potential problems and how you will solve them.

Remind the reader of the overall problem you are trying to solve.

The abstract will be read by both technical and non technical people so it should be written in plain English.

Consider these points for writing your abstract.


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Mistakes in Applying for a Grant

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Grant applications are complex and come with many challenges.

Here is a list of common mistakes in applying for a grant:

Failing to make clear the purpose of the study.

Failing to support the hypothesis with facts, studies, and evidence.

Not planning for obstacles by having back up plans.

Lack of data to support the proposal.

Failing to display knowledge of the current research and how your study fits into it.

Using acronyms and jargon rather than plain English.

Failing to define the research methodology and how you plan to carry out the research.

Not connecting your project to the current list of topics the granter is seeking.

Using a title that is misleading or uninteresting.

Failing to succinctly summarize the research to be done in the abstract.

Avoid these mistakes in writing your grant proposal. 

In writing a research grant proposal it is important to know your audience and what they are looking for.

Spend time researching the granting institution including their goals and objectives.


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Sources of Grant Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are numerous sources to search for grants.

Here’s a list of sites to consider for your grant: -- this site lists all the SBIR grants available from the US government.

National Institute of Health grants -- lists all the NIH grants.

National Science Foundation -- lists all the NSF grants

Grantforward -- funding opportunity database built by academics for researchers

Researchresearch - a London-based research grant site.

For non-profits here’s a list of funding sources from family offices and foundations.

Instrumentl - grants available from family offices.

Foundation Directory Online -- database of federal and private grants.

Grantstation -- searchable database with tools for submitting grants.

Grantwatch -- grants for nonprofits and small businesses.

Some sites require a subscription.

Many foundations do not have a website listing their grant offerings so it’s important to have resources available to find them.


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How To Write a Grant Proposal

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are many sources of grants beyond the government such as family offices and foundations.

These private organizations seek to further their mission through grants to those who can advance the technology or the cause.

Here are some key steps in writing a grant proposal:

Develop a cover letter that describes the purpose of the grant and why the grantor should consider it.

Build an executive summary that captures the problem, your solution, the team, and current activities.

The purpose is to provide an overview of the proposal highlighting key details.

Write a full proposal that shows the firm seeking the grant.

Include the current state of the business, the team, and its capabilities.

Write out the problem to be solved.

Show the solution you offer.

Make clear the actions and results proposed to achieve the solution.

Show how you measure success and will track the progress of the program.

Show funding gained from other sources.

State the ask for the funding including the amount.

Show the use of funds for the project.

Include these elements in your grant proposal.


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How To Prepare a Grant Application

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The grant application process can take over three hundred hours to complete.

Take these steps to prepare to complete a grant application:

Review the eligibility criteria to ensure you qualify for the grant.

Setup an account on

Download the application and other relevant documents and read through them.

Review the instructions on completing the application.

Write in a concise and cogent manner using plain English.

Avoid jargon and spell out acronyms.

Provide a logical ordering to the description so the grant reader can follow it.

Connect charts and graphs to the body of the report with a clearly defined reference.

Review the deadlines for grant submissions.

Set a target date for completing the application and plan out the work.

Line up additional support to review your grant application before submitting it. 

Submit the grant registration on which can take up to two weeks to complete.

Capture the unique identifier for your application for future reference.

Consider these steps for preparing your application.


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Conditions for Using a Grant

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

SBIR grant funding comes with requirements for how to use it.

SBIR funds for phase 1 are focused on determining the scientific or technical feasibility of a new concept or innovation.

The goal of the funding is to reduce the technical risk and increase the development of intellectual property.

Funds can be used for salaries, benefits, materials and supplies and direct costs to conduct R&D.

Here’s a list of use of funds not allowed with a Phase 1 grant:

Incremental development of an existing product.

Basic engineering work that has no risk.

Testing of existing products.

Unrelated scientific research.

Market research, sales and marketing, and business development.

Clinical trials.

Procure goods or services from the federal government.

Consider these requirements for the use of your SBIR grant funds. 

Also, the SBIR granting agency has unlimited data rights to the project.


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On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Jed Ng, the founder of is a global accelerator for angel investors, providing training and support for emerging venture investors. The program guides participants from making their first investments to leading syndicates as "Super Angels." With the backing of over 1,300 limited partners (LPs), deploys millions of dollars annually and offers lifetime access to a robust alumni network.
Jed Ng is a self-taught venture investor known for backing two unicorns and leading his own venture syndicate. Before founding, he built the world’s largest API marketplace with a startup backed by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z).
Jed explores emerging trends in venture investing, the unique advantages of syndication groups, and practical advice for investors and startup founders. Don't miss Jed's insights on the future of angel investing and the innovative education programs at Angel School VC. Plus, find out his thoughts on crowdfunding and what he would build if starting a new business today!
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Success Rates for Grant Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Grant funding is challenging to obtain.

Only a fraction of applications receive funding.

Over the years the success rate of winning a grant has fallen.

The SBIR grant process comes in three phases -- phase 1, 2 and 3.

In 1998, the success rates for phase 1, 2, and 3, were 28%, 49% and 17% respectively.

In 2021, the success rate for phase 1, 2, and 3, were 12%, 21%, and 15% respectively.

The overall rate dropped from 31% in 1998 to 14% in 2021.

The DoD has the largest number of grants available representing 46% of all grants.

The success rate of winning a DoD grant is 15%.

The success rate has dropped in half from 1998 to 2021.

Phase 2 grants have a higher success rate because only Phase 1 winners can apply.

Most grant applications follow the business cycle. 

As the business booms, so do the grant applications.

The current downturn is due to the non-business cycle drop off of applications from the DoD and NASA.

The declining number of grant applications is due to the decreased number of topics available to pursue as the DoD eliminated many research intensive programs.


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Where To Find Grants

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are many sources of grants for startups.

The main funding source for government grants is the SBIR and STTR grants.

These can be found at

The site provides a search engine for finding grants based on keywords.

The user can also register with to gain approval to apply for a grant.

The forms for grant applications can be found on the site.

One can set up a connection to the site to gather information electronically.

In addition to there are many non-government grant resources available.

These include the Minority Business Development Agency which provides grants for BIPOC entrepreneurs.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse offers grants on substance use disorders.

WomensNet offers the Amber grant to women entrepreneurs.

FedEx offers a small business grant.

Patagonia offers a small business grant program.

The National Association of Self-Employed also offers a small business grant.

Finally, Visa offers a small business grant.

Consider these grant sources for funding your business.


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Lifecycle of Grant Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The grant funding process goes through a well-defined lifecycle.

Here’s the lifecycle process:

Planning the grants -- the granting agency plans the grants to offer based on its mission, goals, and budget.

Announcing the grant -- the granting agency announces the availability of the grant.

Searching for grants -- the grant seeker scans the list of opportunities to pursue.

Completing an application -- the grant seeker completes a grant application.

Screening for compliance -- the granting agency reviews the application for compliance.

Review process -- the granting agency reviews the grant application and awards grants to those who pass.

Notification of award -- the granting agency notifies the recipient of the award.

Ongoing oversight -- the granting agency maintains oversight of the process.

Reporting results -- the grant seeker provides updates about the use of funds.

Grant closeout -- when the funds are deployed the grant is closed out with a report on the results.

It’s helpful to know the grant funding process from start to finish.


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Pros and Cons of Grant Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are pros and cons to grant funding.

Here is a list of pros:

The funding does not need to be paid back.

The funding is non-dilutive as no equity is given.

Grants are easy to identify.

Grants won can help in raising funding from angels and venture capitalists.

Grants increase your standing in the community as it shows validation of your work.

Here is a list of cons:

Grants take a substantial number of hours to complete.

The grant request must align with the goals of the granting organization.

Pursuing a grant takes time to come to fruition.

There’s a great deal of competition for the grant funding.

Granting organizations restrict how the funds can be used.

Granting organizations require updates, reports and in some cases audits.

Granting organizations have specific and often complicated rules for applying and using the funding. 

Consider these pros and cons before pursuing grant funding.


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In this part two of the three-part series, we continue to explore the evolving funding landscape for medtech companies. Over the past three years, access to capital has become more challenging, pushing startups to adopt innovative commercialization strategies. Our guests, including experts from Hatch Medical and PavMed, discuss the importance of forming strategic partnerships with midsize companies to navigate regulatory hurdles and leverage economies of scale. 

The episode also examines how startups can attract investors by demonstrating value and achieving critical milestones. By focusing on accretive value and understanding the funding environment, startups can position themselves as attractive targets for acquisition by larger companies. Our conversation highlights the importance of nailing down supply chain management, regulatory pathways, and reimbursement processes to ease investor concerns.

Additionally, we discuss the impact of AI and emerging technologies in the MedTech space. AI offers transformative potential but also presents regulatory challenges that require careful navigation. Our guests, including Dr. Acklon and Todd, emphasize the need for clear application and robust data management practices. 

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Checklist for Writing a Grant Application

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Before writing a grant application make sure you have these things ready to go:

A clear statement of the status of the technology and how it works.

A value proposition of the technology and how it can provide benefits.

A clearly defined goal for the use of the grant funding. 

Ability to show how your project fits the criteria of the granting organization.

How you will use the funds to accomplish the goals. 

A team that will take the grant funding and create a result.

The team has scheduled time to work on the project. 

A method to monitor the results of the project to see if the goals are being met.

A process for tracking expenses and reporting back to the granting organization.

Facility and equipment resources lined up for the technical work.

If you are selling the prototype then you’ll need a list of prospective buyers.

Ensure these items are in place before writing the grant application.


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How To Use Grant Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

After winning a grant, you’ll need to apply the grant funding to your project

Consider these best practices on how to use grant funding:

Build a rapport with your grant representative.

The grant representative is your contact point with the granting organization.

Find a way to work well with them.

Set up an accounting system for your grant.

Record all expenditures into the system to provide reports to the granting organization.

Also be prepared for an audit if one should occur.

Look up the reporting requirements for your grant and set up a plan to fulfill those requirements.

Grant funding is given for a specific set of activities.

Make sure you are using the funds only for those activities.

Close out the grant with a report to the granting organization.

Verify you met all their requirements.

Set a goal for what you want to achieve with the grant funding.

Focus on building a prototype and selling it to a strategic customer.

Consider these steps in using grant funding.


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Applying for a Grant

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In applying for a grant consider these factors:

Set aside time for writing the grant application.

It takes over 300 hours to properly write an SBIR grant.

Make sure you are giving it the time and attention it requires.

Understand the grant review process.

Each granting organization has its own criteria and will judge grants accordingly.

Consider a grant writer.

Most grants writers can advise and propose but ultimately, the content for the grant comes from the researcher.

Understand the grant contract.

Grants come with specific criteria for the use of funds.

Make sure you understand the expectations of the granting organization.

Understand grant matching requirements.

Many grants require matching funds to be raised.

It’s important to understand the rules around the matching process.

How much matching funding is required?

Will in-kind labor substitute for cash?

If so, then document the time spent on the project. 

Consider these points when applying for a grant.


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Should You Pursue a Grant?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Grants provide seed money to startups.

Consider these points in determining whether or not you should pursue a grant.

Grant funds can only be used for the stated purpose in the grant proposal.

If you need funds for operations, inventory, or administrative tasks, then you probably should not apply for a grant.

Grant funding is typically used for commercialization of the technology, validating the market, and finding initial customers and investors.

Grants work best after you have some initial results with the technology and some funding raised.  

Grants should be used to further the business opportunity with clearly defined steps and objectives. 

Grants should be used to add on to the funds you are committing to the project.

Grants work best when the next phase of the project is clearly defined.

For example, the technology works well on the lab bench but now needs to be proven in a prototype to show potential customers and investors.

Grant funding works best when the goals of the startup and the goals of the granting organization are aligned.

For example, the granting organization wants to find a cure for a disease, and the proposed technology offers a potential cure for it.

Consider these points before pursuing a grant.


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What Is a Grant?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A grant is funding to a startup to further the business but does not take equity nor must be paid back.

The government provides grants to startups to help commercialize the technology and foster economic growth.

Federal grants are given to startups to promote specific technology goals.

There are state and local grants to foster business development.

Research and development grants come in either an SBIR Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or STTR Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR).

These grants are structured in three phases:

Phase 1 -- feasibility study to determine commercial potential.

Phase 2 -- commercialization of the technology.

Phase 3 -- taking the product to market.

The SBIR and STTR are given by each department of the government, including:

Department  of Agriculture

Department of Defense

Department of Energy

Department of Transportation

Environmental Protection Agency

Department of Homeland Security

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Institute of Health

National Science Foundation

National Institute of Standards and Technology

You can find specific information about grants from the US government at


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Mistakes in Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Commercialization of technology requires key skills in market research, product development, and customer engagement.

Avoid these mistakes in commercialization:

Focusing on researching the technology only.

Set aside time for selling, marketing, and product development.

Failing to maintain commitment.

Tech commercialization requires several years of work to achieve.

Recruiting only other researchers onto the project.

You’ll need skills from outside the research community such as sales and marketing skills.

It’s important to build a team with diverse backgrounds.

Failing to raise funding.

It’s important to build a network of investors funding your project both public and private.

Inadequate vendors and suppliers.

Make sure to recruit providers who can meet your specifications and criteria.

Skipping customer research.

It’s easy to admire your own idea but it’s critical to find customers who will pay for it.

Ignoring the competition.

It’s important to understand the competitors and their offerings.

Failure to follow the market.

Markets evolve and change over time so you’ll need to follow the market with product updates.

Consider how to overcome these challenges in your commercialization efforts.


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Located globally, COREangels International is a brand of hands-on angels investing in early-stage startups through local portfolio funds. Their organization is driven by the energy of determined entrepreneurs and passionate angels, working every day to support innovation. COREangels funds invest in a portfolio selected by the angels from a pool of startups curated by the leaders. They contribute to local communities by investing money and mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurs. 
Cintia Mano is the CEO at COREangels International. She began her career in the corporate world, spending 15 years at organizations like Booz Allen & Hamilton (later PwC) and Vale Global Mining Company, leading global processes and strategic programs. In the past 12 years, she has co-founded a startup, mentored many others, and invested in several ventures. She joined COREangels International in 2020, supporting angels in building their funds globally. Cintia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from UFRJ and an MBA from COPPEAD/UFRJ, with further education at IMD, MIT, Instituto de Empresa, and LSE/Schumacher College.
Cintia discusses the crucial role of early-stage funding and mentorship in the startup ecosystem, emphasizing her "aha" moment when she realized angel investing was her calling. She elaborates on the challenges and joys of working with startups and building portfolios with other angels. Cintia also shares insights into the future of COREangels, focusing on expanding their network and fostering a stronger community of angel investors globally.
Visit COREangels at, LinkedIn at, and connect with Cintia Mano at
Reach out to Cintia at and on Twitter.

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How To Engage Academics Into Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Universities often encourage academics to commercialize their technology to advance their research.

Here are some key steps to engage academics into commercialization:

Focus on the impact of the research rather than the revenue generated.

Encourage the researcher to promote the technology into other groups.

Foster collaboration with other universities and research groups to carry the research forward.

Hold regular meetings to share the results of the collaboration.

Identify the market size and opportunities to demonstrate the need for the technology.

Expose the market to the technology and check interest.

Follow up significant interest that may lead to funding further research.

Measure the impact of industry funding on increasing research into the technology and advancing its application.

Identify specific companies that would benefit from the use of the technology and open a dialog about their financial support.

Researchers need support in identifying the market opportunity, building collaboration groups, and accessing funding to progress the technology.

Focus on these areas to encourage academics to engage in commercialization.


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Best Practices for Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In commercializing technology here are some best practices to consider:

Educate the market about the problem you solve and the solution you offer.

It’s often the case the technology founder assumes the world understands the problem.

You must educate the potential customer about the problem and how you solve it.

Engage the market early in the process.

The more you understand the market and the customer’s situation, the better choices you will make about implementation of the technology and how to sell it.

Choose potential customers who are engaged with your product and want to see it reach the market.

Many technical founders focus on large companies with deep pockets or close contacts who they know.  

It’s best to look for customer engagement upfront.

Be open to new information about the application and value of the technology.

The researcher often brings a strong opinion about how the technology should be used.

Take feedback into account about how you position and promote your technology.

Spend your time with customers learning about their needs rather than selling your solution.  

The selling part will come later.

Identify the customers’ alternative solution to your technology.

This often includes customers doing nothing.

No battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.  

So no business plan ever survives first contact with the customer. 


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How To Build an MVP

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A minimum viable product or MVP is a usable product that has minimal but must have features.

Here are the key steps to building your MVP:

Research the market and the customer requirements.

Start with a customer problem and review the current solutions.  

These solutions could include doing it yourself or do nothing.

Determine if there are enough customers to form a market.

Identify a solution that can add value to the customer.

What are some basic features to offer that would help the customer?

Understand the job to be done by the customer.

Figure out how your solution fits into the customer's workflow.

Create a list of potential features to offer the customer and prioritize them in a logical order to build out in steps.  

Each new feature added should build on the previous features.

Build the MVP with the initial feature.

Promote and sell the MVP to the customer.

It’s useful to put a price on the MVP so you can gauge the customers’ reaction.

At this stage measure user engagement, not revenue.


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Using Prototypes To Raise Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In raising funding, a prototype is invaluable.

Here are some reasons why investors fund projects that have a prototype:

The prototype demonstrates you can build it.

It gives you a tool to engage customers.  

Prototypes help you define the product better by observing how the customer interacts with it.

Prototypes help validate the market and customer acceptance of the product.

Prototypes help build a better financial forecast as the cost to build and maintain the product becomes more accurate.

Prototypes help recruit team members who can see the vision of the company coming to life in the product.

Prototypes help define the intellectual property better.

Prototypes also help recruit partners, suppliers, and contractors.

Many startups skip the prototype phase and go straight to building the first product. 

This can be challenging as the cost to build a final product is much greater than a prototype and therefore requires more funding.

Consider these reasons in planning your product launch strategy with a prototype.


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I recently had the opportunity to host the  Shaping Funding in MedTech: Insights from Industry Insiders webinar.  by Keiretsu Forum.

I had the honor of moderating the discussion.The panelists include Paul Gianneschi, Managing Principal and Founder, CEO of Hatch Medical, Dr. Lishan Aklog - Chairman and CEO of Lucid Diagnostics, Todd Wallach - CEO of SOLUtion Medical and serial entrepreneur, and Brianna McDonald- President of Keiretsu Forum Northwest and Rockies

In the first Segment 1: The Vision 
· We explore the guest’s inspiration behind focusing on life science/ medical device technologies.

· Detail their approach to project leadership, industry expertise, and resource allocation for bringing novel products to market.

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Steps to Creating a Prototype

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A prototype is an early model of your technology to show proof of concept and gather feedback from potential customers.

Prototypes can also be used to raise funding from investors.

For building a prototype keep these key issues in mind:

The current market for your product -- how do customers currently solve the problem.

Specific needs of the customer -- what are the requirements of a solution.

Usability -- how will the customer interface and interact with the product.

Competition -- what current solutions are available and how are you better, faster, cheaper.

Market position -- what position in the market do you want to take.

Here are some key steps in building your prototype:

Ideate on a potential solution.

Create a drawing showing how it will look.

Develop a mock-up showing what it might look like in physical form such as a box, a layout of the screen showing the functionality, etc.

Create an actual prototype that provides limited functionality.

Test the prototype to understand performance.

Refine and enhance the prototype incrementally.

Prototypes can be useful in writing patent applications, giving investors the image of what can be built, and showing customers how it may solve their problems.


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Purpose of Prototypes in Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In commercializing your technology one of the most important elements is building a prototype.

Prototypes provide several benefits and should be a high priority to complete as soon as possible. 

Many inventors use their resources to write another white paper or run another experiment.

The most important purpose of a prototype is to help raise funding.

Investors will find a prototype compelling as it shows you can take the invention and make a useful product out of it.

More white papers and experiments have little impact on the investor.

Additional benefits include testing and refining the design of your proposed product.

With a prototype, you can test different configurations, materials, and designs.

A prototype helps you sell the product.

A working version demonstrates to the potential customer that you can build it.

A prototype helps you define the patents to file as the unique aspects of the project are easier to identify.

It also helps the product development team define the final product better.

Consider these use cases for your prototype.


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Best Practices for Grant Writing

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Raising grant funding is a key step in commercializing your technology.

Here are some best practices for grant writing to consider:

Research the goals and objectives of grants to understand what is currently of interest.

Make sure you have set up a legal entity for your business before pursuing a grant as a grant goes to a business and not a university or individual.

Set aside sufficient time to write the grant as a proposal will take 200 to 400 hours to complete.

Communicate with the program managers to understand what they need to approve a grant.

Make clear in the summary what the project is and why it is important.

Avoid jargon and acronyms and use plain English.

Provide a complete set of materials including scientific papers, references, research strategy, and budgets.

Customize your proposal to the granting department as they each have different criteria.

Demonstrate how your proposal is unique and has solid research behind it.

Follow these guidelines in completing your proposal.


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Funding Options for Tech Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are several options for funding the commercialization of technology.

Here’s a list of sources to consider:

Self-funding -- consider putting some of your own funds into the business.

This proves to others your commitment to the project.

Make sure this funding goes to key enablers such as filing provisional patents, building prototypes, and forming a team.

Your network -- pursue those you know to capture additional funding.

This includes people you work with, family members, and friends.

Use this money to establish a website, progress the prototype, and identify customers.

Angels and venture capitalists -- it may be too soon for many in the angel and VC world to fund your venture but some may support you with small amounts.

Government funding -- research available grants and contracts. 

The government supplies nearly half of the capital required to bring an innovation to the market through grants as well as contracts.

Corporate funding -- pursue contracts from corporations for custom versions

Corporations seek the benefits of new technology and will fund projects that apply the technology to solve their problems.

Customer funding -- pursue anchor customers.

Anchor customers have a specific need and will fund a project that provides a solution.

Consider these options for funding your commercialization project.


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Finding Anchor Customers

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

An anchor customer is one that provides a substantial amount of business on a recurring basis.

These customers are important as they give you a base level of business each month.

You save the time and cost of prospecting for the customer as they are already signed up.

They can be used to bring in new customers who see you working with the anchor customer.

Startups developing their product can use anchor customers to help fund their business.

By providing a customized version of the envisioned product, the startup can charge a customized fee which provides sufficient funding for the team.

With two to three anchor clients many startups can build out a platform that can be sold for a standard price.

The work from anchor customers provides several additional benefits as follows:

They provide a definition of the product they want.

They give feedback on design choices and help make tradeoff decisions between performance and price.

They can test the product and identify changes to be made.

They can provide a testimonial to other customers and investors.

Make sure you build the custom products on your standardized architecture and programming tools.  

Consider anchor customers as a part of your funding strategy.


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When Should You License Your Technology Instead of Building a Startup

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In commercializing your technology there are two primary paths:  building a startup or licensing the technology to others.

You should consider licensing your technology when the following conditions exist:

The development cost of bringing the final product to market is very high.

There’s a high level of risk to the startup from market conditions, product development, and sales execution.

There’s a great deal of competition in the market already.

There’s going to be a great deal of competition in the near future.

There may not be enough revenue to sustain a startup into a full-fledged business.

The inventor does not have sufficient time or financial resources to launch a startup.

The amount of funding required to launch the startup is high.

The technology is a minor value-add to the customer’s solution.

Licensing the technology is a better path for many technologies because there’s insufficient market demand, and high development costs to create the final product.

Consider licensing your technology.


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In this episode of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin chats with Mike VandenBos, VP of Business Development at KingsCrowd. KingsCrowd empowers everyone to invest in startups confidently through research, ratings, data analytics, founder interviews, and financial products. Mike shares his journey from discovering startups through Michael Lewis’s book "The New New Thing" to diving into the entrepreneurial world via Startup Weekend.

Mike discusses his transition from sales to business development and how KingsCrowd serves investors with robust due diligence tools. By tracking over 8,000 campaigns, KingsCrowd helps investors make informed decisions quickly. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of resources, enabling investors to discover promising startups efficiently.

Mike highlights the democratization of startup investments through the Jobs Act and the rise of equity crowdfunding. He envisions a future where investors can access real-time data on active raises, making the investment process seamless and integrated into daily routines. KingsCrowd's tools also facilitate direct engagement between investors and founders, fostering a more intimate investment ecosystem.

Mike advises aspiring crowdfunders on the importance of building an audience and leveraging available resources. He also outlines KingsCrowd’s future plans, including educational programs for founders and enhanced due diligence tools. Hall and Mike emphasize the need for continued investor education to support informed investment decisions.

Visit KingsCrowd here: To connect with Mike click here:

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How To License Your Technology

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Licensing your technology to another company provides another path to commercialization.

Here are some key steps to licensing your technology:

Prepare information about the technology including an introduction, product description, and manufacturing information.

Also document the product benefits, market research, and pricing.

The product information should provide sufficient information to show what the technology can do, how it will perform in various cases, and any limitations.

Make the license information available on your website and key sources of any related technology.

For those interested in using the technology, have the licensee sign a non-disclosure agreement.

The licensee will need to perform a feasibility study to determine if the technology will work for their application and how well it will work.

In this step trade secrets may be disclosed.

Upon completion of the feasibility study, ask the licensee to sign a letter of intent to confirm their interest in pursuing the license. 

Negotiate the final terms of the license agreement based on the use case of the licensee.

This can range from 1% to 10% of the revenue generated.

There are often minimum license fees to consider. 

Other key terms include any exclusivity, geographical coverage limitations, future improvements on the technology, transfer rights, and termination provisions. 

Finally, sign the contract to complete the agreement.


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What Is Licensing in Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Licensing in commercialization is the right to manufacture and sell a product with the technology of another company.  

In return for the right, the licensee pays a royalty fee for each unit sold.

Licensing brings the following advantages to the licensee:

You gain the know-how and experience of the company that created the technology.

It comes at a lower cost than buying the company.

There’s no cost for technology development.

You only pay when you sell something.

It reduces your risk in the event the product doesn’t sell.

You can draw from other markets to benefit your target market.

There are disadvantages:

The license is typically for the life of the technology which can be many years.

There may be a minimum licensing fee.

The license may require some restrictions on its use and target market.

There may be limits on further development of the technology.

Licensing works well in a rapidly changing marketplace in which products are replaced quickly due to new technologies coming into the market.


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Key Legal Documents Used in Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are several legal documents used in the commercialization process

Here’s a list of key documents to know:

Non-disclosure agreement -- referred to as an NDA, this document requires the signatories to confidentiality with regards to information about the project.

Material transfer agreement -- refers to physical materials such as biologics and chemicals that ensure transfer of possession but not legal title. 

Licensing agreement -- defines the terms and conditions of the use of technology by the licensee.

This also includes the financial terms and licensor’s obligations.

Contract research agreement -- this defines the research work to be done and the terms and conditions of the work.

Collaborative research agreement - this defines the work to be done by both parties in a joint project.

Participation agreement -- this defines the role and responsibilities of a researcher working in a project.

Consultation agreement -- this defines the consulting work to be done along with the rules and requirements.

Consider these documents in your commercialization process.


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Different Paths of Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are different paths of commercialization.

These paths include startups and licensing.

Founders license the technology from the source and then establish a company to create a product to sell for a profit.

The startup requires a team to build, sell, and support the product.

The startup typically needs to raise funding from grants and later private investors to fund the early stages of the business.

There must be a market for the product and the company must be able to sell it in order to succeed.

Licensing takes the technology and packages it into a format that can be implemented into other products by third parties.

The user pays a royalty to the owner of the technology for its use.

Licensing requires the intellectual property to have awarded patents but can also include trade secrets.

A licensing agreement defines the scope of the license, as well as the financial and legal conditions.

The advantage of licensing is that it typically does not require funding to build and sell the technology.

The disadvantage is that it captures less revenue than a startup would.

Consider these paths for your technology.


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Innovation Models

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Technology commercialization applies new technologies to the formation of a business.

Innovation drives technology commercialization.

To grow your business you may need to foster the development of the technology and its supporting functions.

Here are several innovation models to consider to grow your technology.

Open innovation model.

Some technologies rely upon other technologies and so an open innovation model helps bring products to market through buying, selling and licensing related technologies.

Acquiring companies for their technology is also an option.

Disruptive innovation.

In this model, technologies are developed for new customers not currently served in the market. 

These customers are typically entering the market at the low end.

Over time, the technology increases in capability and expands up market, and disrupts the market.

Frugal innovation.

In this model, technologies are created and then iterated upon to increase the capabilities.

Over time, the technology gains a following and customers adapt to use it.

Innovation prizes.

In this model, a prize is given for the first one to create an innovation that achieves a milestone.  

The prize money incentivizes the innovation of new technologies and company formation.

Consider these innovation models for your technology.


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Intellectual Property in Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A key component in commercialization is intellectual property.

Intellectual property refers to work or invention that comes from the creativity of the mind such as a design, literature, or artistic works. 

It comes in several forms including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and industrial designs.

Government institutions carry out the screening and awarding of patents.  

This includes the US Patent Office for the US and the World Trade Organization for international cooperation and mutual recognition of country-specific intellectual property.

Before launching a product into the market, the founder should consider an intellectual property strategy.

Patents require full disclosure of the invention and documents how it works.

To file one must first do a search for prior art and gain a freedom to operate opinion.

Trade secrets keep the intellectual property undisclosed.   

An example of this is the formula for Coca-Cola.  

Only the inventors know the formula.  

A good intellectual property strategy contains most if not all of the various structures including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

Start your intellectual property strategy by filing provisional patents.  

Provisional patents give you one year to determine whether or not the patent should be pursued.  

At the end of the year, pursue the ones that give protection to the business and let go of the rest.

Intellectual property should be considered before fundraising as investors look for protection on the business before funding. 


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Testing Your Idea for Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Before commercializing your technology, test the idea with these questions:

What product should you build?

There are many ways to apply technology to a problem.

Who is the target customer and can they pay for it?

It’s important to gain clarity on your target audience and check to see if they have a budget to pay for your solution.

How big is the market?

It’s best to pursue a large target market so there’s ample opportunity to sell the product.

Who is the competition?

Even if there’s no product like yours on the market, customers are solving the problem already in some manner.

What intellectual property strategy should be applied?

There are multiple ways to protect a technology including not only patents but also trade secrets.

Can the product be manufactured for a cost that fits the customer's budget?

One can consider licensing the technology instead of creating a product.

What regulatory requirements must be met to sell the product?

It’s important to understand the regulatory landscape for your industry.

What is the ballpark cost to build the product?

This will determine your selling price.

Test your proposed product with these questions.


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Key Steps in Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Once you start down the path of commercialization, there are some key steps to accomplish.

Determine patent strategy.

There are several ways to protect intellectual property including patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and more.

Review each option for your technology.

Gain a Freedom to Operate opinion.

This involves a patent attorney running a search on prior art to determine whether or not you can win a patent if filed.

This also includes a validity opinion on existing patents and whether or not they can prevent you from filing your own patent.

Consider product design.

This includes designing a product that solves the customer’s problem by developing a technology solution that is manufacturable at a reasonable cost.

Develop a regulatory strategy.

This includes reviewing the relevant regulatory requirements and considering the various regulatory pathways.

Consider manufacturing design.

This includes designing the product so it can be built in a cost-efficient manner.

Focus on usability.

This includes user interfaces and connectivity to other products so it’s easy to use.

Determine your supply chain.

Consider what to build and what to buy and make sure the suppliers can meet your requirements in a timely manner. 

Consider these steps for your project:


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Elements of Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Commercialization is the process of transitioning technologies from the lab into products in the marketplace to create financial value.

Here are the key elements of the commercialization process:

Assessing the technology.

This includes identifying the commercial potential by examining multiple markets, applications, and use cases.

Checking feasibility.

This includes a review of the capabilities of the technology and its performance in a set of applications.

Building a prototype.

This includes making a minimum viable product to test capabilities and check interest with customers and investors.

Researching the market.

This includes identifying existing competitors and potential customers.

Setting up intellectual property.

This includes filing patents, trademarks, and copyrights in addition to setting up trade secrets.

This may also include licensing the technology from others.

Raising funding.

This includes sources such as grants, custom build contracts, angel investors, and other sources of capital.

Selling the product.

This includes negotiating the price and closing the sale of the product with customers.

Delivering the product.

This includes building the final product and shipping it to the customer.

Consider these steps in commercializing your technology.


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What Is Commercialization

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Commercialization is the process of transitioning technologies from the lab into products in the marketplace.

It is important because it brings new technologies to solve problems.

Technologies and products bring new capabilities and can also reduce costs of existing solutions.

Commercialization requires refactoring the technology into a product that can be reproduced in a cost-efficient manner.

Here are some key steps in commercialization:

Define the product to take to the market.

Identify the ideal customer. 

Test the product idea with the ideal customer to check for interest.

Sell the product to test the pricing and positioning.

Reformulate the product with the pricing and positioning for the customer.

Build a sales and marketing program to take the product to market.

It takes several iterations to find the right product with the right market. 

The first concept of a product and its customer will most often change as you talk with customers.

Be open to pivoting to a different product format and target customer. 

Consider these steps in commercializing your technology.


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In this episode of Investor Connect, host Hall T. Martin shares essential strategies for raising funding, drawing from his extensive experience in the field. Hall engages with guests from McKee, discussing their smart home controller product and their journey in securing investments. He emphasizes the importance of investor relations and the various methods Ten Capital uses to connect startups with potential investors through online events, in-person roadshows, and dinner meetings.
Hall highlights the significance of structuring fundraising efforts into manageable stages, starting with a lower valuation to attract early investors. This approach helps build a successful track record, making subsequent funding rounds smoother. He also touches on the practical aspects of fundraising, such as preparing effective pitch decks and setting up comprehensive data rooms.
Throughout the conversation, Hall provides practical tips and insights, underscoring the importance of market validation and strategic planning. His approachable style and humor make the complex process of fundraising more accessible and less daunting for entrepreneurs. Tune in to gain valuable advice on navigating the fundraising landscape and learn how to effectively raise capital for your startup.
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Key Questions for Succession Planning

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Succession planning is a key part of running a family office.

Here are some key questions to consider in planning your succession program.

Do you need a succession plan?

All family offices need a plan to help transition the business to the next management team.

That could be a family member or someone outside the family.

A succession plan in place prepares everyone for a transition.

When to start planning?

It’s best to start planning now if you have not already begun the process.

Succession planning will evolve over several months and sometimes years.

Where to start with the planning process?

Create a list of roles and responsibilities for the current leadership team.

Map out other resources and players including advisors and contractors.

This lays the groundwork for a succession planning process.

What to include in a succession plan?

Capture the jobs to be done now and in the future.

Create an emergency plan in case of a crisis.

How to find a successor?

The successor could be from within or outside the family.

Based on the family members’ interest in leading the family office and their skills will determine where the next stage of leadership will come from.

Consider these questions for your family office succession planning.


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Succession Planning for Family Offices

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In running a family office, succession planning is an important function.

Here are some key considerations in succession planning:

Understand the generational differences in the family and how it may impact the future leadership.

Some generations do not want to continue a family office but rather pursue their own passion.

For succession planning it’s important to know who wants to join the family office and who does not.

Investment strategy may differ as the next generation will want to consider new investment opportunities such as ESG.

Goals for the family office may diverge from one generation to the next.

Consider those who may lead and where they will take the family business.

Internal rivalry may become an issue.

The greater the amount of money at stake the higher the chance of sibling rivalry taking over the family dynamic.

Assess your skills in succession planning and engage assistance from others in setting up a plan.

Succession planning takes years to plan and execute.  

It will not come together in a day.


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More Best Practices for Running a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In running a family office consider these additional best practices.

Document your family legacy.

Capture in writing the history of the family and its business.

Share the story with the entire family.

Educate the next generation of the family.

Assess the skills and education.

Build a program to prepare them for taking a role in the family business.

Identify the core values and culture of the family.

Capture those values into a document and communicate to the entire group.

This can also be used in evaluating investment opportunities.

Assess the healthcare needs of the family.

Engage services to assist with family members in need.

In many families there are distant relatives who are not familiar with the core family.

Reach out to meet them, and understand their situation and build a relationship.

Consider these best practices for your family office.


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Best Practices for Running a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In running a family office here are some best practices to consider:

Set up a mission statement that captures the values of the family.

Tie that mission statement to the operational goals and financial results.

Set up the legal entity and the operations to match the goals of the business.

Look for tax-efficient entities and low-cost operational structures.

Focus on investments that fit the expertise of the family and their values.

This program should include generational transfer, tax, and reporting requirements.

Implement rigorous accounting and financial reporting from the start.

Publish quarterly and annual reports for tracking performance.

Seek out experienced professionals who can augment the skills of the family.

Setup up an organization structure so the rules of governance are clear.

Build an operations team that is efficient and cost-effective. 

Focus on the core business functions that need to get done.

Consider these best practices for your family business.


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Best Practices for Setting Up a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In setting up a family office consider these best practices:

Build an investment strategy that leverages the strengths of the family including their skills, resources and network.

Setup a formal diligence process to screen incoming deals in a rigorous manner.

Assess the skills and capabilities of the current family members and then decide how to bring in outside skills to augment the group.

Set up communication channels and a centralized system for capturing communications, documents, and other information.

Look for advisors who are independent and can put the family office first rather than a brokerage or fund network.

Document the family office mission statement, values, goals, and investment objectives. 

Facilitate communication with the family members especially around generational issues.

Managing a family office takes a special set of skills.

These skills may be different from the skills used to create wealth in the first place.

Consider these best practices for your family business.


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Welcome to another episode of Investor Connect! I'm Hall T. Martin, and today we explore funding strategies with Louise Yochi Klein and Merom Klein of Courage Growth Partners. Louise Yochi Klein, PsyD, and Merom Klein, PhD, are distinguished business psychologists and leadership experts. As Principals at Courage Growth Partners, Yochi and Merom specialize in equipping boards, management teams, and investors with the tools needed to maximize the value that promising innovations can generate. 
Courage Growth Partners' signature 5-part formula is designed to help leaders replace fear and risk-averse compromises with the courage needed to drive adoption and champion innovations. This methodology not only aids high-potential corporate leaders but also supports entrepreneurs in bringing breakthroughs to their corporate partners.
We kick off with insights from the Angel Capital Association Summit in Columbus, Ohio, highlighting a new model convertible note that enhances investor protections and startup success.
We discuss the rise of university-based angel networks, drawing from my experience at Baylor University and initiatives at UNC Charlotte. These networks prepare students for real-world investments and drive innovation, with a focus on alumni engagement and tech transfer to bridge academic research and commercial success.
Louise and Merom also share their thoughts on AI’s impact on investment, emphasizing the challenges of protecting intellectual property and the importance of strong partnerships and adoption strategies. This discussion underscores the need for startups to build robust networks and customer relationships. Finally, we delve into the role of courage and leadership in startups.
For more information, you can connect with Merom on LinkedIn: and Louise: Visit their website at or reach out via email at and
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Drawbacks to Starting a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are drawbacks in starting up a family office.

Consider these challenges in setting up your family office.

The upfront and ongoing costs can be considerable.

These costs include the following:

Hiring professionals and operational people can cost a great deal in today’s market.

This includes not only salary, but also healthcare, payroll taxes, and more.

This typically accounts for over half the cost of running a family office.

Other costs include investment advisory fees, insurance and trust fees.

Setting up the legal entity with a partnership, trust, and other entity structure also comes at a cost.

Some family offices use a fund structure for funding investment opportunities.

Funds typically come with a fee structure.

There are tax considerations for the entity and how to minimize them.

There are regulatory issues which vary from state to another.

In setting up a family, consider if there’s enough money to cover the costs and associated legal, and tax issues.

Check to see if you can identify and hire the necessary team to run it.

Finally, ask if  you have an investment or operations program for generating a profit.


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Operational Objectives for a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In running a family office there are several key operational objectives for the family office to achieve.

Here’s a list of key areas to consider:


This includes leadership, board management, communications and succession planning.

The leadership should continuously improve the operational efficiency of the family office.

Cost structure.

The cost structure should be no more than 1% of the assets under management.

Where possible use variable cost structures to match services to the volume of business in the family office.


The family office should have access to the necessary skills to run the business.

This includes both hired professionals as well as outsourced services.


The operations need basic IT infrastructure with email, data storage, and communications such as mobile phones, video conferencing, and more.

The rise of cloud computing provides more integration between communication channels and data storage.

Risk management.

Operations need to take into consideration risks from cyber hacking, identity theft, phishing attacks and more.

Fraud prevention is another aspect of risk management.

Consider these areas for setting operational goals for the family office to achieve.


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Choosing a Leader for a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In setting up a family office, one must choose someone to lead it.

There are several types of leaders to consider:

Operations -- focuses on the day-to-day tasks of running the business.

This leader provides oversight over all aspects of the business including investments, tax and administration.

Specialist -- has expertise in one or two key areas such as investments or tax. 

This leader focuses on a few key areas and leaves the day-to-day operations to someone else.

Strategist -- has expertise in specific areas such as succession planning or investment strategy.

This leader focuses on a strategic goal and leaves the day-to-day operations to someone else.

Advisor -- coaches the members of the family office by providing advice and consultation.

This leader can help with challenging situations such as a crisis, or a major change in the family office.

The chosen leader must keep the family and its values and concerns at the forefront of the business.

Consider the type of leader your family business needs.


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Problems in Family Offices

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are challenges in running a family office.

Here are some key problems to watch out for:

Treating the family office as a hobby rather than a business.

The family office is a legal entity with employees, investments and tax filings.

It’s important to treat it as a business for everyone involved.

Not setting a clear goal or purpose for the family office.

There are many investment opportunities and interesting things to pursue in today’s world.

If there’s no clear goal it will be difficult to develop a focused business with a purpose.

Not having clear governance in the family office.

If there are no rules and regulations then it will be difficult to build a successful business.

In addition to rules there must be leadership.

Without people leading the family office it can fail to achieve the goals of the business.

Also, there must be succession planning to prepare the leadership.

These are just some of the problems that family offices must overcome to succeed.

Review your family office for these challenges. 


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Costs of Running a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are costs to running a family office.

Here’s a list of cost categories to budget for:

Professional costs including the services such as tax, accounting, and financial.

Family expenses such as living expenses, travel, healthcare, and taxes.

Facilities costs including communications, technology, and administrative overhead.

Financial costs including advisory management fees, research, and reporting.

Here are other factors to consider as well in estimating the cost:

Complexity of portfolio -- the greater the number and variety of investments, the greater the cost to manage.

Number of services -- the more services the family office provides, the greater the cost.

Number of tax jurisdictions -- the more jurisdictions, the higher the cost.

Number of legal entities -- the greater the number of legal entities, the higher the cost.

A rule of thumb is that the cost of investments and family office costs should be no more than 1% to 2% of the family office assets.

Check your family office to see how the costs compare to the assets.


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In this episode of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin chats with Charles Albanese, a financial expert with over 30 years of experience across major corporations and startups. Charles shares his journey from AT&T Wireless to his current role at Keiretsu Forum, highlighting key strategies for raising funding. He discusses the importance of thorough planning, understanding investor needs, and effective communication.

Charles also provides insights into Keiretsu Forum, the world's largest network of angel investors. He explains how Keiretsu’s rigorous vetting process and collaborative due diligence help mitigate risks and support high-quality investments. With chapters worldwide, Keiretsu offers a robust platform for investors and entrepreneurs to connect and succeed.

Hall and Charles delve into the intricacies of financial management and strategic planning. Charles’s diverse background enables him to offer practical advice on maximizing profitability and building strong teams. The discussion is filled with relatable anecdotes and valuable lessons for both novice and seasoned investors.

Hall's engaging style and Charles’s expertise make this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in the world of angel investing. Whether you’re looking to raise funding or simply understand the investment landscape better, this episode provides actionable insights and strategies to help you succeed.

For more insights and to connect with Charles Albanese, visit his LinkedIn profile here, check out the Keiretsu Forum Mid-Atlantic website:, or reach out via email at

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Functions of the Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

The family office provides many functions in a family business.

Here’s a list of functions to consider including in your family office:

Wealth management - this involves setting objectives, identifying investment opportunities and providing ongoing oversight.

Impact focus -- this includes pursuing investments and activities that promote a social, economic, or governance cause.

Investment management -- this includes designing an investment thesis and pursuing opportunities that meet that thesis.

Security and privacy -- this includes taking steps to secure the identity of the family members and mitigate cybersecurity threats.

Succession planning:  this includes preparing the next generation for leadership roles and transitioning functions from one generation to the next.

Tax management -- this includes managing tax returns and structuring investments for optimal tax outcomes.

Compliance -- this includes understanding and meeting compliance requirements for tax and other regulatory bodies.

Some of these functions can be outsourced to providers who offer such services.

Consider these functions for your family office. 


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Types of Family Offices

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Family offices vary in type and structure.

Here are three types of family office structures to consider.

Single-family office.

This structure provides services exclusively to one family.

It offers the most customized program.

It is the most expensive type of family office structure.

It works best for ultra-high net-worth families.

Multi-family office.

This structure provides services for a number of families.

It offers commonly used services such as accounting, tax, and investment advisory.

It provides a lower cost structure as the expenses are spread among several families.

It works best for high net-worth families.

Virtual family office.

This structure provides services primarily through online means.

It provides the lowest cost structure possible as it utilizes fractional services from professionals.

It works best for families who don’t need custom services.

Consider these structures in setting up a family office for your family business. 


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Benefits of a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There are several benefits to setting up a family office.

Here is a list of key benefits to consider:

Carry out the stated mission of the family business.

Optimize the wealth of the family through investment strategies.

Reduce taxes through tax advantaged structures.

Provide education to the family members who will one day succeed the current leadership.

Provide continuity in the management of the family business through succession planning.

Preserve the family wealth through ongoing management.

Organize services for running the family business.

Coordinate advisors into a group.

Provide better control of the family business through a coordinated program.

Manage trustee functions more effectively.

Provide investment oversight of the family business.

Provide estate planning for the family business. 

Create a legacy for the family through the creation of the family office to showcase its values.

Consider these benefits in setting up your family office.


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Structuring a Family Office for Tax Benefits

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Structuring a family office for tax benefits is a key consideration in setting up a family office. 

Consider these points in structuring your family business for tax purposes.

Because the family office is a separate legal entity, one can move additional costs from the family members to the family office.

Investment analysis expenses can be tax deductible under Section 162 of the US tax code.

The case of Lender Management set forth the following criteria for deducting investment management work as expenses in the family business.

The family business conducts its activities with regularity and continuity.

The ownership and control of the family business is not the same as the family holding companies.

The family members can fire or replace the family office or change its services.

The family office engages service providers who may or may not be family members.

The family office is compensated separately from its normal return on its assets.

The family office has an obligation to provide those services and does so.

The tax advantage comes from shifting the costs of investment work from the individual family member to the family office entity which can deduct those fees from the revenue generated.


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Structuring a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Structuring a family office requires many decisions in order to find the optimal solution.

Consider these points in structuring your family business:

Who does the family business serve?

This typically includes the family and their offspring.  

What services should the family office provide?

There’s a cost to the business for providing services.

For those the family office serves, what specific services are performed?

It’s best to provide a core set of services that can be done cost effectively.

Are you using in-house or outsourced services?

The choice of internal or external support has a significant impact on the cost of running the business.

This is particularly important with financial investment work.

How much do you charge the family member for services rendered?

If everything is free then the cost can go through the roof.

Should the services generate a profit for the family business or just cover the costs?

There’s always overhead and uncovered expenses in a business that need to be paid for.

What oversight of expenses should be put in place?

There’s often the need for a controller function in the family business.

What legal structure should be used?

Most family offices use an LLC with S-Corp designation but there are benefits to C-Corp and other structures.

Consider these questions in structuring your family business.


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In this episode of Investor Connect, host Hall T. Martin sits down with Doug Willmore, Chief Executive Officer, and Cathy Key, President and Chief Business Development Officer of WorldTree. Join the conversation to explore the fascinating journey of a company that started small and now manages 300 tree farms across multiple countries. With a focus on nature-based solutions, WorldTree offers a unique perspective on scaling a green business.

Cathy shares her intriguing shift from anthropology to tech, leading her to redefine WorldTree's business model. Doug provides an update on their current fundraising efforts, shedding light on the progress they've made and the ambitious goals ahead. Their conversation touches on the challenges and strategies involved in raising capital in the eco-friendly sector.

The episode teases insights into the financial workings of WorldTree, including their revenue streams and valuation approach. Hall and Doug discuss attracting the right investors and balancing financial returns with impactful environmental benefits. The dialogue offers a peek into the strategic thinking behind successful fundraising campaigns.

Hall outlines the innovative approaches Ten Capital employs to connect with potential investors, blending online and in-person events. With hints at the unique tactics and experiences shared, this episode promises to be a treasure trove of valuable insights for anyone looking to navigate the complex world of startup funding.

About WorldTree
WorldTree is dedicated to nature-based solutions for some of our biggest global challenges, focusing on people, planet, and prosperity. They develop carbon forestry projects to protect native forests, produce renewable timber, and sequester carbon. By funneling private capital into the regeneration of undervalued farmland through Empress-based forestry, WorldTree is paving the way for sustainable solutions. Visit the company here:

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Goals of a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Family offices can pursue several goals.

Here’s a list of key goals to consider for your family office and their implications in setting up the business.

Investments -- the complexity of the investments determines the number and type of advisors to engage.

The simpler the investments the less support required.

Financial goals -- these include not only individual goals but also goals for the family office.

Pursuing ESG investments brings an additional layer of complexity to the process.

Households -- The family office also includes the houses and other personal property.

The number and geographic dispersion of the houses determines the complexity of managing the properties.

Legal entities -- The more legal entities the family has, the more work to be done in managing them.

This includes managing the entity, tax filings, and ongoing support.

Advisors -- This includes accounting, financial, legal, and other professionals who provide services to support the family office.

The greater the number of advisors, the greater the cost to the business.

The goals of the business determine the complexity of the family office structure.

In setting up a family office, consider these goals for your business.


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Do You Need a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Before setting up a family office, first consider if you need one.

Here are some key considerations to review:

Do you have the income to support a family office?

Aside from a high net worth on paper you’ll also need to fund the operations which require cash flow.

Consider the ongoing cash flow required to support a team.

There are virtual family offices which can provide the accounting and finance support without the cost of hiring full-time salaried professionals.

Avoid setting up a family office that requires outsized returns to succeed as this won’t be sustainable.

Do you have a complex set of assets and investments?

If so, you may need a family office structure to manage it.

If not, you can find a lower-cost solution through a financial advisor.

Do you have successors who can carry on the family office?

Without successors it can be difficult to maintain a family business over the long haul.

Is your estate in a high tax bracket?

A family office can reduce taxes through active management. 

Consider these points to see if you need to set up a family office.


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Keys Steps in Setting Up a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In launching a family office there are several decisions to make.

Here are key steps in setting up a family office:

Choose a family office structure.

There are three types of family offices, single, multi, and virtual.

The single-family office serves one family while the multi-family office serves several families.  

The single-family office provides exclusive services while the multi-family office shares resources thus reducing costs.

There is also the virtual office structure which provides the accounting, financial and other resources primarily online. 

This reduces the costs even further.

To set up your family office first run a feasibility study to determine the cost based on your vision of that family office.

Next, define your program which includes what you will invest in and how you will manage those investments.

Next, build out the program with staff and procedures.

After that setup succession plans, tax reporting, and other functions to support the business.

Finally, launch the family office and measure the results. 

It’s often the case that the program and procedures will need to be modified.

Consider these steps in building your family office.


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Before Setting Up a Family Office

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A family office manages the wealth of a family.

Before starting a family office consider these points:

What is the asset level of the family office?

The fee is based on the assets under management.

The higher the asset level, the higher the fee.

What services does the family office provide?

The more services the higher the cost.

How much client service do you need?

The greater the client service required, the higher the cost.

Are you ready to start a business?

A family office is a business unto itself which requires attention from you now and your successors later.

What type of investing do you want to pursue?

Each investment category brings a set of risk factors and requires research and management.

Do you want to create a sustainable business?

This requires creating a succession plan and recruiting people who can carry on the business.

Before setting up a family office consider these points to determine if you should and how you should do so.


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What Is a Family Office?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A family office is an entity setup to manage the wealth and business activities of a family to promote its values and identity.

Here are some key activities found in many family offices:

Develops and implements the investment strategy of the family business.

This includes financial investments in the stock market, real estate, and other assets.

Identifies and implements tax strategies for the family business.

This could be research into investments with tax advantages.

Performs estate planning.

This includes identifying trusts and other entity structures to preserve the estate.

Implements the philanthropic mission of the family.

This includes identifying non-profits and initiatives that provide a community service and donating resources to that cause.

Develops and implements succession planning.

This provides a plan to pass the estate from one generation to the next.

Manages the physical assets of the family.

This includes overseeing the care of the property of the family including the house and possessions.

A family office structure helps manage the investment and operations of a family.

Consider setting up a family office to oversee these activities in your family.


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In this episode of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin discusses the essentials of raising funding with a guest who has transitioned from consulting to entrepreneurship. Hall underscores the importance of planning the investor's exit strategy from the beginning, which can involve sales, revenue sharing, or customer prepayments. This approach helps structure an effective funding strategy and attract potential investors.

Hall introduces the idea of anchor clients as a way to fund initial development. By securing contracts with clients willing to pay a premium for custom solutions, startups can build and refine their products while generating early revenue. This method ensures the product meets market needs through real-time feedback.

Consulting work related to the startup's core business is highlighted as a valuable bootstrapping strategy. This not only generates necessary income but also provides insights into the industry and builds a network of potential clients and partners. The guest finds this advice particularly useful for generating revenue and understanding market demands.

The episode concludes with advice on managing equity and partnerships, especially when personal challenges arise. Hall shares strategies for negotiating buyouts and revenue-sharing agreements to ensure business continuity. His insights offer a practical roadmap for navigating the complex landscape of funding, emphasizing adaptability and strategic planning. This episode provides essential tips for entrepreneurs seeking to secure capital and position their startups for success.

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How the Board Can Help During a Turnaround

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

During a turnaround the board should help.

Here are some key steps to engage the board in the turnaround process.

Interview the board for their input on the turnaround plan.

Reconfirm the board's role in the company.

Define the specific activities the board should engage in.

Set up the board with goals and objectives with accountability.

Change the board’s operating process to meet the current needs of the company.

For businesses in a steady state a quarterly board meeting is fine.

During a turnaround the board should meet more often such as weekly.

Identify board members with key skills and contacts relevant to the turnaround.

For example, a board member that has a network of investors could be tasked with fundraising.

Another board member with financial expertise could oversee the financial activities.

And yet another board member with public relations experience can help with communicating the turnaround to the outside world. 

Set metrics to track the board’s progress.

Just as the company’s leadership and employees have metrics so too should the board.

Consider these points in engaging the board for your startup turnaround.


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Why Turnarounds Fail

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Just as not all startups succeed so not all turnarounds succeed either.

Here’s a list of reasons why turnarounds fail:

Failure to adapt.

The market continually changes so it’s important to keep up.

Make sure you are following the market and change to meet it.

Failure to embrace the challenge.

Turnarounds require major changes to the business.

Plan for these changes as small steps won’t cut it. 

Failure to raise funding.

Turnarounds require funding and lack of funding can kill it.

Check your funding requirements to see how much you need to execute on the plan.

Failure to innovate.

Technology can become obsolete.

Review your offering to see if you are innovating. 

Failure to gain buy-in.

Turnarounds require commitment from the investors, suppliers, employees and others.

Gain commitment for the turnaround from all the stakeholders. 

Failure to commit to the plan.

Everyone needs to contribute to the success of the turnaround through pay cuts and longer hours.


Watch out for these points of failure in your turnaround.

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Evaluating Your Startup for a Turnaround

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

If things are not going well at your startup you may want to consider implementing a turnaround program at some level.

Here are key points to evaluate your startup’s need for a turnaround:

What are the customers saying?

Review customer feedback to see where you are succeeding and failing.

Do you have a competitive advantage?

Your business needs to provide something unique.

Do you have the right team for the business?

Make sure everyone on the team fits the requirements and works toward a common goal.

Is the fundamental concept behind the business sound?

Review your value proposition to see if it’s resonating with the market.

Are you executing on the plan?

It takes more than a written business plan to succeed.   You must execute on it.

Does your brand mean something?

If it doesn’t then you need to rebrand or restart your current brand.

Do you have enough funding to accomplish the plan?

If not, you may need to raise additional capital.

Consider these points to see if your startup needs to pivot or make other changes.


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Managing Employees in a Turnaround

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

During a turnaround it’s important to maintain team morale and involve everyone in the process.

Here are some key steps to managing the team.

Make clear the need for the turnaround.

Employees may not have visibility on the financials and don’t know how much the company is losing.

They also may not know the situation with competitors or see changes in the market.

Involve employees in the decision making.

Gather feedback from the employees on how to cut costs and improve revenue.

Update them on the progress of the business.

Measure performance.

Metric the company’s performance to show where gains are being made.

Give employees the ability to improve the company’s performance.

Recognize excellence.

Provide incentives to employees to achieve key metrics.

Track the metrics and provide rewards to those who achieve it.

Address concerns.

Some employees may not buy into the turnaround plan.

Address their concerns and work to bring them into the process.

Gain alignment.

Make sure employees understand the turnaround process and align with the goals.

Success will depend on employee buy-in for the turnaround process to work.


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The Four Rs To Turnaround a Business

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A turnaround can take several forms based on the severity of the changes required.

Some businesses require a complete overhaul of their operations while others perform a repositioning or rebranding.

Here are the four Rs to turnaround your startup:


In retrenchment the business refocuses on the core business and exits non-core initiatives.

This is often used to move to cash flow positive or break even.

This comes about during downturns in the economy.


In repositioning the business, it moves the company to a new place in the market landscape.

This comes from changing the price or promotion of the product.

This often happens when new competitors enter the market or the market changes.


In replacement the business replaces the team.

This often occurs as the company grows from seed to Series A and later Series B stages.

The skills required changes so the team must change.


In renewal the business refreshes the management team’s focus.

This often occurs when the business hits a plateau.

While the core business is solid, revenue appears to have stalled.

Renewal gives the business a new mantra and a fresh take on the market.

Consider these levels of restarting your business.


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Key Tests of a Turnaround Process

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In turning around a startup there are key tests you must pass to achieve success.

Here’s a list of tests:

Is the core business viable?

If the basic business won’t work then no amount of funding or strategy will save it.

Do the team and the investors buy into the turnaround?

If no one believes it will work then it won’t.

Does the leadership have credibility?

If the leader doesn’t have the credentials, then it’s going to be hard to motivate the team.

Can you get support from the lenders?

If they won’t give you room to try a turnaround then there’s no opportunity.

Can you raise more funding?

If you can raise additional capital you have another shot at the business.

Is there enough cash to run the business for at least a short period of time?

If you have some cash you can make a go of it.

Consider these key tests to determine if you can launch a turnaround.


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Best Practices for a Turnaround

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

There’s an old saying, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’.

A turnaround is not only a crisis but also an opportunity to rebrand, redirect and reposition the company.

Here are some best practices in working on a business turnaround.

View each turnaround as unique and customize your approach to fixing it.

Set goals for the turnaround to ensure you are on the right track.

Apply the same standards to your turnaround as you would apply to other businesses.

Review the skills the company needs and adjust the team accordingly.

Review the team and recruit key players who can help with the turnaround.

Engage the board into the process and make sure they are working at their full potential.

Put cash as the central financial metric first and gear all decisions around it.

Just as you have a story for raising funding for the business so you need a story around how the turnaround will work.

Be action oriented and timely in doing so.

Look for some early wins to build momentum with the team for the turnaround.

Take the turnaround as an opportunity to rebuild compensation and incentive plans.

Consider these points in running a turnaround at your company.


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More Best Practices in a Turnaround Process

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Here are more best practices to apply in your turnaround process:

Consider options that go beyond the current resources in the business. 

Consider bringing in additional team members and outside funding.

Get multiple views of the company from the team and investors to build a more holistic plan.

Use multiple touch points and formats to gather information from the team.

This includes not only formal meetings but also informal meetings, calls, and offline discussions.

Review the customers’ situation to see if the company’s offering still meets their needs.

The customer’s requirements may have changed due to the market.

Look at competitors who are successful to see what can be learned from their pricing, positioning, marketing, and strategy.

Consider changing the business model to fit the customer better.

Recurring revenue and pre-payment business models can also improve the financial condition of the business.

Consider changing the product altogether to capture more revenue.

The product may be outdated or undifferentiated in the current market.

Consider initiatives to reduce the operational cost by going paperless and speeding up cash collections.

Automation and improved financial payment tools can decrease costs and improve cash flow.


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How To Turnaround a Business

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

A business turnaround is just like any other aspect of running a business.

Here are some key steps in running a turnaround program for your startup:

Identify the problem to be solved.

There’s typically 2-3 major issues to address.

Develop a plan to move the business in a new direction.

Consider the stage of business and the resources available to it.

Gain commitment on the plan from the team and the investors.

It’s important to get the shareholders on board.

Implement the plan to stabilize the business.

Go for cash flow breakeven and a stable customer base first.

Move the business to profitability.

After stabilizing, start looking to increase profits first.

After achieving profitability, you can start to grow the business.

In the turnaround consider the following actions:

Review all budgets for expenses.

Review past customers to see who can be reactivated.

Reformulate the organization chart.

It’s important to be transparent about the condition of the business.

Be willing to drop favorite projects that no longer fit the core focus of the business.

Show commitment to the new plan and inspire others to support it. 


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Hiring a Turnaround CEO

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

In many turnaround situations you’ll need to hire a new CEO.

Here are some key points to consider when hiring:

Track record -- look for someone with a proven track record in turning around businesses.

Cash management -- needs to monitor cash on a daily basis and manage all expenses closely.

Operations focus -- must have an operations mindset and the ability to apply it to the startup in a turnaround.

Financial literacy -- must be able to read the financial statements and understand the current state of the business.

Problem solving -- must be able to look at the situation and identify the problems to be solved and come up with initial solutions.

Transparent -- must be able to talk candidly about the business and the proposed solutions.  

Expeditious -- must be able to take action quickly and not get bogged down in consensus-building.

Change management -- must be able to hire and fire people as the needs of the turnaround business will be different from the previous business.

Consider these skills in hiring a turnaround CEO.


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