Investor Connect Podcast

In this episode, Hall is joined by Alexander Varvarenko of ShipNEXT. ShipNEXT is a digital, automated, shipping Marketplace and a Blockchain based eco-system. It not only allows an instant matching of Cargo with Ship/Transport mode, but allows for freight-auctioning, Contract management (including Smart-contracts), freight exchange, and eventually tracking.
ShipNEXT now welcomes other blockchain systems to join ShipNEXT in building an ecosystem that would include trucking companies, warehouse logistics provides, ports, suppliers of fuel and spare-parts, and regulatory bodies to create a global blockchain aiming at an automated, transparent, cost-efficient delivery of cargo (goods, dry- and wet-bulk commodities) worldwide.

In this episode, you’ll learn about Alexander’s background and he got to where he is today. Alex shares his thoughts on the state of investing in blockchain as well as his thesis on investing in this sector. Alexander speaks about blockchain and how it will definitely happen because the industrial players are looking for growth path.


Direct download: 136_--_Alexander_Vavarenko_of_Shipnext.mp3
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