Investor Connect Podcast
Direct download: 16-_Hall_Martin_interviews_Bob_Knorr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:48am CST

Direct download: 15-_Hall_Martin_interviews_Barrett_W.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:29am CST

Show notes for Angel Connect, episode 14:  Thomas Williamson this episode, Hall Martin of, interviews Thomas Williams, an investor in consumer product goods and restaurants. He is especially interested in micro-breweries, beer, and good food as a growing environment.
The cases-in-point which he describes in this discussion
are Zilker Brewery in Austin, Texas, and Haymaker. (                              (
Mr. Williams stresses that what is important for him in his criteria is the TEAM. That is, he wants to ensure that the team has all the tools needed for success in the venture.He also looks for paths to get a quicker ROI (return on investment)--and he looks for getting the return in the first two years (a vital target among the risks of the restaurant business).
In structuring deals, he wants to quickly get the venture off the ground, especially with brick-and-mortar locations. Key to success is speed-- that is, to open

TASTE benefits for his target groups of the young and the millennials.This led to his strategy of "pairing beer with food."_____________________________CONTACT INFORMATION(Mr. Williams)Copyright (c) 2015, Hall Martin rights reserved.

Direct download: 14-_Hall_Martin_interviews_Thomas_Wi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am CST

Direct download: 13-_Shane_Kelly_of_Wolverine_Angel_N_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:29am CST

Direct download: 12-_Jared_Slosberg_interviewed_by_H.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25am CST

Show notes for Episode 11 of ANGEL CONNECT PODCAST:
Vinod of PeachTree from TieCon Silicon Valley 2014==================================================
In this episode of the ANGEL CONNECT PODCAST SHOW,Hall Martin interviews Vinod of Peachtree from the TieConSilicon Valley 2014 conference.
Vinod is part of Indian Angel Network, which is India's largest Angel group,which takes on investments from 100,000 dollars to 500,000 dollars.Although the investments range across the board, the specialties includetechnology, services and retail. His involvement has been sincethe late 1990s.
Vinod discusses with Hall Martin the membership structure of theAngel group -- from the structure of investments to the status ofmembership and the consulting and mentoring role of the group.
Vinod's deals focus on India, the Middle East and the SoutheastAsia geographies.
As you will hear in this audio episode, Vinod distringuishes the rolesof active investors vs. Passive investors -- of course, he wouldprefer more involvement with investors to become ACTIVE.
Vinod also describes the syndication strategies from theinstitutional members, especially across worldwide parties.
He includes examples of a very successful round, as well asa challenging one in his experience.In addition, he provides some suggestions for an aspiringAngel Investor, including the preparation for enteringthis arena.
Direct download: 11-_Interview_with_Vinod_of_Peachtre.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19am CST

Direct download: 10-_Investment_criteria_with_Dick_Be.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:01pm CST

Direct download: 09-_James_Comeaux_on_strategies_for.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:27pm CST

Direct download: 08-_Mihesh-on-Mentorship-from-TiECon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28pm CST

Shownotes for episode 7- Nick Mysore

In this episode of the Angel Connect Podcast show, Hall Martin continues the discussion of mentorship with Nick Mysore. As you will hear in this audio episode, Nick will outline how to create what he calls "customer delight."

He explains:

 - how to create a quality "pitch" as an entrepreneur;

 - how to grow a brand and scale it; and

 - how to handle an entrepreneur who may not

   be taking a mentor's advice.

The drive toward these 3 areas consists of Nick's 3 D's: "Desire / Decide / Delight."


In fact, in this process, Nick mentions that the mentor's job is to nudge the entrepreneur, and  really to MAKE THE ENTREPRENEUR


Nick's advice focuses on the PEOPLE. In other words, he states "bet on the people, ... not the technology or ... the product."


Copyright (c) 2014, Texas Open Angel Network and Hall Martin of

All rights reserved.

Direct download: 07-_Nick-Meistor-Mentorship-f.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34am CST

Direct download: 06-_Niledge_Necht-Giving-Back-TiECon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm CST

In this episode of the Angel Connect podcast show, Hall Martin
interviews George Brodie at the TiECon South conference in Texas.
This interview deals with the TiE Mentorship program,including examples with potential Angel Investors, as wellas suggestions.  In fact, the mentorship values rely onthe pro-active networking and participation of the mentee.He also recommends how to recruit the "right" mentor by anaspiring mentee -- and it is a question of the menteebeing able to take the initiative.
From his own background, Mr. Brodie discusses how tomake networking effective for the entrepreneur -- includinga forum like TiECon or linkedIn -- to "get connected."
As you will hear in this audio episode, Mr. Brodiedescribes the "turning point" of his own firm, which hashad a 15-year journey -- including the rounds offinancing until the business was doing well anddid not need any more outside funding.
Hall Martin also investigates the area of an entrepreneur'sdream, including the possibility of changing directionfor either product or idea. It was interesting to see thedifference between the two aspects and the discussionfrom Mr. Brodie about this.
And finally, Mr. Brodie stresses key competitive differentiationof the product in the marketplace, as well as thegood communication skills to convince the Angel Investorcommunity during a presentation about the entrepreneur's firm.
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Copyright (c) 2014, Austin Angel Network and Hall Martin,All rights reserved.
Direct download: 05-_Hall_Martin_interviews_George_Br.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am CST