Investor Connect Podcast

How To Avoid Fraud

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Fraud can be costly to a startup.

Take these steps to avoid fraud in your business.

Separate accounting duties -- have at least two people handling the accounting and separate their functions.

Know your team -- run background checks on new hires and know your business partners' history and background.  

Oftentimes it’s the most likable people who commit fraud.

Set up internal controls -- audit the accounting books and require sign-offs and approvals for expense payments.

Protect bank account and credit card information -- separate personal and business accounts and move bill payments online to avoid check fraud.

Review bank accounts regularly for unusual transactions.

Audit the books annually -- have an outside accountant review the books to prevent fraud.

Use certified fraud examiners to review suspected cases of fraud to help with the prosecution of the case. 

Train your team -- make sure key people in your organization know how to detect fraud and what to look out for.

Implement these steps to avoid fraud in your organization.


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Music courtesy of Bensound.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:42am CST