Investor Connect Podcast

Benefits of Crowdfunding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Crowdfunding brings many benefits to the startup raising funding.

Here are some key points to note:

It gives the startup a whole new network of potential investors to pursue.

Instead of raising only from accredited investors, crowdfunding raises from everyone.

It gives the startup a way to raise money for reasons beyond the financial return.

Instead of raising funding solely on the potential financial gain, a startup can raise funding on other factors such as the social impact.

It gives the startup more branding and awareness.

By using crowdfunding, a company can generate broader exposure for its brand and products.

This is particularly helpful for consumer product goods startups.

It also gives the startup a greater range of tools for reaching out to investors.

Social media and other means can be used to run a crowdfunding campaign.

There are many benefits to crowdfunding for both the startup and the investor.

Thank you for joining us for the Startup Funding Espresso where we help startups and investors connect for funding.

Let’s go startup something today.

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Music courtesy of Bensound.

Direct download: Benefits_of_crowdfunding.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CST

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Edward Ismawan Chamdani, Managing Partner at Ideosource VC, Gayo Capital, and StarCamp.

Ideosource Venture Capital started in 2011 investing in more than 30+ tech startups with a combined valuation of multiples of billions of US dollars in 2021.

Ideosource VC was set up as a two GP partnership with Andi S. Boediman who is now heading the Ideosource Entertainment, and Edward leads the impact and green investment in Gayo Capital, both set up around 2018 until now. A venture builder StarCamp Asia was set up in early 2021 to ride on Web 3.0 potential and initiatives.

Edward serves as a board member of (Indonesian Venture Capital and Startup Association), and (Security Crowdfunding Association). He has a personal purpose to unlock the ultimate potential of Indonesia sustainably from various aspects mainly in leveraging human capital surplus and abundant natural resources via technology disruption and implementation. He contributes to various startup events, fintech/other sectors, and government policy as a contributor, advisor, mentor, and speaker.

Edward discusses his investment thesis, advises investors and startups, and shares what excites him in the industry. 

You can visit Ideosource VC at, via LinkedIn at, and via Twitter at, Gayo Capital at and via LinkedIn at, and StarCamp at  

Edward can be contacted via email at, via LinkedIn at, and via Twitter at  


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Music courtesy of Bensound.

Direct download: Edward_Ismawan_Chamdani_of_Ideosource_VC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CST