Tue, 2 August 2022
Startup Boards -- Startup Investor Skills -- Evaluating the Product & Markets Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startup investors need to hone their skills in order to succeed over the long run. Key skills include:
So for the product, ask, is it a vitamin or a painkiller? The vitamin makes you stronger and better, but it’s nice to have for the customer. The painkiller is more important to the customer and, in some cases, crucial. It’s better to invest in painkillers than vitamins. For markets, you look for large markets, not small ones. Ask, where in the lifecycle is this market -- early stage, growing, maturing, or declining? You want a market that is growing or about to start growing because of disruptive technology. It’s important someone on the team knows the market very well. For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: http://investorconnect.org Check out our other podcasts here: https://investorconnect.org/ For Feedback please contact info@tencapital.group Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: Startup_Investor_Skills_--_Evaluating_the_product_and_market.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CDT |