Investor Connect Podcast

Innovation Models

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing.

Technology commercialization applies new technologies to the formation of a business.

Innovation drives technology commercialization.

To grow your business you may need to foster the development of the technology and its supporting functions.

Here are several innovation models to consider to grow your technology.

Open innovation model.

Some technologies rely upon other technologies and so an open innovation model helps bring products to market through buying, selling and licensing related technologies.

Acquiring companies for their technology is also an option.

Disruptive innovation.

In this model, technologies are developed for new customers not currently served in the market. 

These customers are typically entering the market at the low end.

Over time, the technology increases in capability and expands up market, and disrupts the market.

Frugal innovation.

In this model, technologies are created and then iterated upon to increase the capabilities.

Over time, the technology gains a following and customers adapt to use it.

Innovation prizes.

In this model, a prize is given for the first one to create an innovation that achieves a milestone.  

The prize money incentivizes the innovation of new technologies and company formation.

Consider these innovation models for your technology.


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Music courtesy of Bensound.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CDT