Wed, 20 April 2022
Apply Your Investment Thesis to a Startup Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso -- your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Before investing in a startup, apply your investment thesis to it to see if it makes sense. Write out the company’s strategy and how it fits into the overall market. Review their position relative to the competition. For the target company, look for a material event that recently occurred, such as a jump in sales or the hiring of a new CEO. Write out what is significant about the change and why. Include any challenges the company may face. Consider what factors may impact their performance -- the economy, a new competitor, etc. Writing it out helps you think through the investment thesis and gives you a document to reference later to check your thinking. Reviewing your writeup in light of the outcome may update your investment thesis. For more episodes from Investor Connect, please visit the site at: Check out our other podcasts here: For Feedback please contact Please follow, share, and leave a review. Music courtesy of Bensound.
Direct download: Startup_Funding_Espresso_--_Apply_your_Investment_thesis_to_a_Startup.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CST |