Investor Connect Podcast

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.

In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about changes expected in the coming 12 months and our guests’ final thoughts.

As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into a new era. The faith-based investing space is now undergoing tremendous change as we shift to a post-COVID world. Faith-based investing takes precedence with many investors in the financial industry. We have investors and startup founders describe the changes coming up.

Our guests are:

Steve Gatena, Founder and CEO, [01:26]
Shane Enete, Associate Professor of Finance at Biola University and Investment Analyst at Inspire Investing [05:31]
John Siverling, Director of Private Markets, OneAscent Capital [10:58]
Endel Liias, Founder and Managing Principal, Nexus Impact Advisors [15:48]
Jeff Shafer, CEO, CommonGood Capital [17:20]
Kenn Kelly, CEO, Never Settle [21:22]

We hope you enjoy the show.

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Music courtesy of Bensound.


Direct download: IP_Faith_Based_-_Show_7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CST