Investor Connect Podcast

This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on healthcare and its impact on startups.

COVID-19 has changed the landscape for startups giving us a new normal.  During the pandemic, it became clear the need for changes in our healthcare system.

We have joining us, Jun Deng of Joyance Partners - an investor in the healthcare space. Jun has over a decade of experience in biomedical research and years of experience in venture capital investment. Jun shapes strategy for health-tech and bio-tech related investments, leads the “Inception” program for academies and universities, and has led more than a dozen investments across the US and Europe. So far, Jun has been involved in 50+ investments in technology and life science innovation. Jun received her PhD in molecular physiology at UCLA. She is also an investor at Health Tech Capital, a mentor at Singularity University, and an Investment Partner at Social Starts.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Direct download: June_2020_IP_-_Jun_Deng_of_Joyance_Partners.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:24pm CST