Investor Connect Podcast

Best Practices for Running an Angel Network

For running an angel group, here are some best practices to consider:

1. Build processes and programs. The second time you say something put it into an email template, a procedure document, or a website and make it a part of your program.
2. Create an ideal investor profile and incorporate the content into your website, emails, and documents. 
3. Create an ideal startup profile and use it in your deal flow process.
4. Set up the calendar of events and meetings at the beginning of the year and let everyone know the dates and times.
5. Establish deadlines for startup applications, investor diligence reports, and more so you can manage the progress.
6. Create a set of template emails for managing the deal flow process from start to finish.
7. Create an onboarding program for new investor members.
8. Create an angel investing introduction program that is self-paced to provide the basics of startup investing to new investors.
9. Build three solid deal flow sources that you can go to find quality deals.
10. Establish a standard term sheet to use with startups that have no lead investor.
11. Establish an advisory program to help startups that need more than just funding.  
12. Set up a portfolio system for tracking investments made so you can report aggregate results both internally and externally.
13. Establish a brand with a logo, mission, and mantra and use it consistently in all communications.

By creating processes and programs, you can better manage the startups, investors, and diligence work that must be done.

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Music courtesy of Bensound.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CDT